HAPPY MONDAY. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. 
Recently, I got to thinking about the things that we do that may cause more harm than good and I made up this list of 9 things you should never ever do. Keep in mind, if you do them, I will not ever judge you, these are just my opinions but things I will make sure not to do if possible.

1. Waste a Beautiful Day. -  This past Saturday was glorious. I could not let it go to waste, nor should you. A sun shiny 75 degree day with a light breeze doesn’t come around very often in these parts. Savor it. If you are off work or home with the kids, get out there. Even if it is just sitting in the sun with a good book, soak it up, not to mention the vitamin D!!!

As you can see, we did not waste Saturday one bit!!

2. Forget to Clean the Lint Trap. - Many people figure they’ll get around to cleaning out their lint trap at some point, but “at some point” often means never. I am so guilty of this. Even with the best intentions, unless something becomes a habit, it is often forgotten about.It's wise to clean out your dryer's lint screen after every single load. this will ensure your dryer is working at the best of it's ability and getting those clothes done so you can Fold and Hang quicker!! :)

 3. Putting off your medical and dental exams. – Yearly exams, skin checks, teeth cleaning, and if over 40, mammos! These are all things you should not put off. Early detection can save your life, save the ta ta's and save your teeth.

4. Complaining about your job, co-workers or boss on social media. - While this may seem like a no-brainer, sharing any negative feedback about your current job, employer or co-workers is the number one no-no. Don't doubt that future (and current) employers will raise a red-flag at the slightest jab or complaint via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Even a simple "dreading going to the office" or "bored at work" comment is a bad way to brand yourself in any industry.

5. Eat it if it smells bad. - I am a sticker about getting rid of perishables and left overs if past the use by dates or rules for how long to keep said items. If in doubt, I toss, but if it smells, um I proceed to the garage trash can immediately. Yuck

6. Attempt to be everything to everyone. – It’s impossible to please everyone, and you shouldn’t try. Period.  Some people will constantly tell you what you did wrong, and then hesitate to compliment you for what you did right.  Don’t be one of them, and don’t pay attention to them.  Once you get that it truly is impossible to please everyone, you begin to live more purposefully, trying to please only the right people.

 7. Let one dark cloud cover the entire sky. – Take a deep breath.  It’s just a bad moment, or a bad day, not a bad life.  Everyone has troubles.  Everyone makes mistakes.  The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.  For happy people, no one event is ever the whole story. We should remind ourselves of this each and every day.

8. Take Everything Seriously. - You have to be able to laugh… a lot. Sure, life can have its challenges and some days are straight up hard. But try to treat every experience either as a lesson or a blessing. Try to get the most out of your life and laugh as often as you can. When you stop laughing and you begin to take every single thing seriously, your life, your relationships, your marriage is going to suffer and become unhealthy.

9. Run from problems that should be fixed. – Stop running! I know it’s easy to do, or to slide it under the rug. Face these issues, fix the problems if you can, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people who deserve it!

Have a wonderful week everybody! 
Linking up with B Loved Boston
Thursday Blog Hop 
"Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done."
~Amelia Earhart  


  1. All so true!! I've been really bad about going to the doctor and I finally made an appt a few weeks ago - so important to take care of ourselves! You certainly did not waste that beautiful Saturday - it looks like it was so much fun! Happy Monday dear! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Yay on making that appt! Thank you and Happy Monday to you beautiful!!! xo

  2. wow.. awesome blog.. thanks for sharing wonderful information


  3. This is such a great list! Looks like you had a wonderful Saturday -- those tacos look so good!! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel

    1. Thank you Rachel! I hope you are having a super start to your week!! :-)

  4. Great post Andrea!! All of those things are so true. Life is too short to not take care of our health and to be unhappy. :-) Love the pictures too. Looks like you and your hubs had a nice day together. :-)

    1. We did! :-) Thank you so much my friend! I hope you are having a great start to your week!

  5. Okay - when there is a list, I usually write down (on a sticky next to me) the #'s and topic that really stuck with me... well this post...

    #'s 1 - 9 - - - yeah, the whole darn thing. Great points, and all of them are true!

    And as for numbers 6-9 : I always need to be reminded of these things. Thank you.

  6. Yes yes yes! I could not have written this post any better! You nailed it! (And yes on the lint traps!)

    Clare | Understated Classics

    1. Thank you my dear! Hope your week is off to a great start!!

  7. Such a perfect list!!! I always but off dentist and eye dr appointments. Hate hate hate them. I am so with you on never wasting a beautiful day and not letting on gray cloud cover the sky!!! Yes girl!

  8. My mom is such a stickler for cleaning out the lint trap because my cousin is a firefighter and said that dryers are the #1 reasons houses go on fire. Scary!

    But on a lighter note it sounds like you had an amazing weekend! Happy monday!



    1. That is scary, but I believe it! It was a great weekend and I hope yours was too! :-)

  9. Amen, girlfriend. Great list! How bad is it that I almost always forget the lint trap? Eeeek. And then when I finally remember I'm thinking, seriously?

  10. Anonymous8.6.15

    Lint trap = potential fire is how I have convinced myself to clean it (that, and I just like seeing what's in there haha). YES to not wasting a beautiful day, for sure. You did it right this weekend, lady! ;)

  11. I so agree with number one! I just cannot spend all day inside when it is beautiful out!

  12. Happy Monday, lovely! This is awesome, love #6! Seriously love stopping by your blog!
    Sending you much love!!!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  13. Love this, what great reminders! Beautiful days are MEANT to be spent outside I'm sure of that. Have a great week!

  14. What a wonderful list! I spent way too many years trying to be everything to everyone - but not anymore!

  15. what a fun post! I love the never running away from things that should get fixed!

  16. definitely agree with #1, looks like you had a lovely day!

    danielle | avec danielle

  17. Haha, so true!

  18. A very practical list!

  19. Lovely list of do's and don'ts! I love the one of not trying to please everyone, something I am definitely learning and getting better at.
    Thank you for linking up to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me"
    Rachel xo
    Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me link up is now LIVE

    Garay Treasures

  20. Thank you for this reality check! I'm gonna go outside and play with my kids :)

  21. a lovely post and every thing you shared is so very true. A wonderful reminder for all of us. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite things blog hop. Watch for your feature on Monday xo


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