There’s some exciting news in the world of blogging for all the people who follow us and new followers we hope to see joining us. My dear friend Jill, from Doused in Pink and I will be continuing the popular and fun AMAZON PRIME link-up the first Monday of each month. 

I spoke with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road, who hosted this link up for many years, and she has so kindly passed the baton on to us. We’re excited that she’s going to be linking up with us and we hope all of you will as well! 

Jill and I both know how fun it is to see what other people are ordering on Amazon, so we are so excited to do this with and for all of you!

We will be hosting our first link-up Monday, February 3. The link-up unless otherwise noted will always be held on the first Monday of each month. This graphic includes all the dates for the year 2025 that we will be hosting and are excited for you to join us. If you’re not a blogger, we hope you enjoy all these posts and will hop over to each one to garner inspiration on what’s good to buy on Amazon.

When you see this graphic on our blogs you know it’s PRIME time. We hope you’ll grab our graphic and add it to your post too. 

If you have any questions, please let Jill or I know. 

Until then, have fun priming. 

Be ready to “party” on Feb. 3rd. 

and see ya tomorrow for Friday Favs!


and a perfect quote to start off the year, lol



  1. Yay! I love that you and Jill are doing this together. Can't wait to see what you share!

  2. Looking forward to hosting the linkup with you!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  3. How exciting and I'm glad you two will be hosting the fun link-up party.

  4. Looking forward to everyone's Amazon Prime linkups! I always get such great ideas of what everyone is purchasing.

  5. Oh fun! I just saved both those graphics to use/refer to.

  6. Yea...can't wait!

  7. Jodie's Touch of Style16.1.25

    That's so exciting.

  8. Fun to hear this! Thanks for hosting!

  9. So now I have to shop at amazon! Lol. Happy weekend.

  10. Oh yay! I'm so glad that y'all are picking this up! I always love seeing what everyone is grabbing from there each month!


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