Whoohoo, it’s FRI-YAY! I’m celebrating because yesterday, the Dr. got all the stupid squamous skin cancer cells and it’s just a matter of healing now with the stiches. Hopefully the scar won’t be too bad but so happy to have it DONE!!

I’m calling this the Stars and Stripes edition with this sweater in case you want to get a jump on something cute for Memorial Day and the 4th, but no need to rush it. Heck, it’s going to be so cold here in Indiana, flowers are once again covered and anymore pool days look faaar off.

1. Potting Bench

With my love of flowers, of course I have always wanted a Potting Bench! I got this one from Yaheetech and it is so nice. My sweet son put it together and it’s adorable. It’s also very functional. There’s even a spot on the side with hooks to hold my gardening tools.


It has Spacious working/storage space: Measuring 112x46cm/44.1x18.1" the large tabletop covered with galvanized metal sheet providing a corrosion-resistant and ample placing/working/crafting space. Apart from the drawer under the tabletop, the slatted shelf and the roomy cabinet at the bottom offer open storage and enclosed space to satisfy various storage needs.

Check out all kinds of amazing products from Yaheetech HERE

2. More Nature
Nature just keeps throwing us beautiful blessings!

Remember Last Week I showed you the robins’ eggs? Well, those sweet babies hatched last weekend and I caught them very very hungry. I got away quickly so mama could come feed them!


Why oh why don’t azaleas bloom longer? This one bloomed its beautiful orchid color this week, but it will be gone before you know it. Such a shame with such a little bloom time on these beauties!


I also showed you my bleeding-heart plant on Instagram last weekend. Many of you have never seen one before. This is the first year that it has really thrived. So many blooms and they actually look like hearts bleeding out the bottom.

3. Week's Attire
Top HERE // Sandals HERE// Jeans HERE // Necklaces HERE & HERE

Overalls HERE // Bandana HERE // Sneakers HERE // Henley HERE

Dress HERE // Necklace HERE // Earrings HERE // Sandals HERE

4. Stars and Stripes

Stars and Stripes forever! Memorial Day will be here before we know it and dare, I even say Fourth of July because I don’t want to rush it but you know I love me some patriotic gear! This Stars & Stripes sweater from Wooden Ships is so so cute! Perfect with White jeans.

YOU can get 15% off at Wooden Ships with CODE: 


Speaking of that, I have not decorated my Americana Tiered Tray yet. 

I need to get on that!

Necklace HERE // Sandals HERE // Bandana HERE // Sunnies HERE

5. Misc. Fun
Wednesday ~ The Scoop



Lots of hugs have been giving to mama the past couple weeks since I have been able to hug her again after our vaccinations and best of all, she will spend Mother’s Day at our House for Chinese and maybe get in a walk. Restaurants will just be too crowded and it’s too cold for alfresco dining. BUT look how beautiful she looks. I gave her this Elfrida Smokey Quartz ring from German Kabirski early but can’t wait to shower her with love on Sunday. She is a sweet gift to me and all who know her. I think part of my struggles turning 50 last month is the overwhelming mortality of my parents, my extended older family and my sweet Mr. Nine. I can’t bear it, so what I will do is treasure every second I get to spend with them. My mom and I can once again enjoy outings, shenanigans, beach days, etc and you can bet, I’ll hug her every time we part!! 

Happy Weekend my friends!! 
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's, aunts, grandmas', fur moms, friends, matter happy or sad, near, far or in heaven, may sweet memories and LOVE surround you! 

Linking up with  Friday Favorites  // Metamorphosis Monday



  1. I am so happy that you and your sweet mom are able to hug again and thrilled she will be with you this Mother's Day! I love the new potting bench and of course all the sweet outfits that you look amazing in!
    Happy Mother's Day my love!

  2. So many goodies in this post! Glad you rid of the skin cancer cells and are recovering. Praying for fast healing my friend. Love all of these looks and we just planted a bleeding heart plant in our backyard. They are so pretty! Happy Mother's Day Andrea!

  3. It is definitely looking like spring at your house! Give your mama a hug from me too. I am glad the doctor was able to take care of you, hopefully you are recovered and doing well. Have a lovely Mother's Day!

  4. Your potting bench looks great! Love your pretty flowers too! I'm so happy you get to spend Mother's Day with your mom! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  5. Your flowers are so pretty! That potting bench is so fun. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and a happy mother's day!!

  6. Oh look at those sweet baby birds! I bet it's been so exciting waiting for those eggs to hatch. And I love that potting bench. It's so pretty. Have a great weekend!

  7. Glad your skin cancer removal went well! Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom!

  8. I like the sweater, potting shed, and the little baby birds are so cute. I hope you have a happy Mother's Day weekend.

  9. Vicki looks AMAZING!! So beautiful! And I think I recgonize that last dress you shared! HA! Have a Happy Mother's Day, Love! I hope it's a good one!!

  10. I was just out taking photos of my bleeding heart plant yesterday which finally bloomed this year. My azaleas have buds starting but no blooms yet. Glad your skin cancer removal went well and I love that potting shed. Wishing you and your mom a very happy Mother's day!

  11. FRI-YAY, indeed! 💚 Those are some adorable robin's babies! 👌🏻 And so are you and your mom, girl. 🙂 Beautiful azaleas, btw! 💜

  12. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day Andrea! LOVE that sweater :)

  13. Skin cancer aint no joke- glad its all taken care of!!!
    Those baby robins... my heart. When there's baby birds around me - I suddenly feel responsible for all their well being - haha
    That helium & blow up doll meme - I snort laughed so hard!!!!!

  14. I love watching baby robins - you are so lucky. Enjoy that time with your sweet mom. I know I keep thinking about how precious time is - and that I want to cherish it all. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  15. So happy for you that all went well!! Yay! It's so important to keep up with getting checked. And- your Mom is gorgeous!! Italians have a saying..they tell their sons: before you marry the girl, check out her mom ...coz that's what your wife will be like in the future!! And yours is super gorgeous!! Have a great weekend xx

  16. That potting bench is sooo practical. I so want one. I am so glad that they took care of the skin cancer. So scary. I love those bleeding hearts. So pretty. I wish we had more of them here. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

  17. Happy Mother's Day to you and your sweet mom! I agree about azaleas. That potting bench is so nice, you will get a lot of use out of it. I can see you styling it too! Aww those baby robins, so adorable. That sweater is the perfect summer sweater!

  18. That patriotic sweater is so cute!! It is so good you go to the dermatologist, but it isn't fun when they find something... but, still better than the alternative!! I've been trying to get my hubby to go to the dermatologist, he has never been. I love baby birds this time of year! Happy Mother's Day!


  19. I just love when you include your mother Andrea (do I sound like a broken record). She is just as amazing as you!!
    And that sweater is so adorable....I might need something like that when we go back to visit Denver...because it's already 90 degrees here, LOL

  20. Hugging your mom is the best thing going right now!! I love that Stars & Stripes sweater and your potting bench! Happy Mother’s Day!

  21. Oh those baby Robin's! We have baby owls in our garden! Have a fabulous mother day with your lovely family and your beautiful mom!

  22. Oh wow... first, amazing outfits DUH!! And second, I am the type of person that would actually do that helium and blow up dolls. I'd do it at my school though. Freak my coworkers out LOL

  23. Your flowers are beautiful! I think I need to replant my bleeding heart. It just isn't coming back. Your azalea is stunning!

  24. Anonymous10.5.21

    So glad the doctor got everything and it's all taken care of! You look SO adorable and patriotic. I also can't get over those baby birdies--so sweet!!

    Rosy Outlook 

  25. I love that potting bench! So cool! Look at those sweet birds! I can't wait for mine to hatch!

  26. My father passed away last week after a 7 week battle with lung cancer. I'm telling you this because when I had night dad duty, you blog was one I could read and know that I'd be uplifted. Thank you for providing an escape for me during those long nights.

  27. How cute is your new potting bench! So perfect for you and that green thumb! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  28. So good to be preventive about things, rather than the alternative. Glad things are taken care of.

    Love your patriotic outfit too! For the past two years, I've looked around for red shoes to wear for Valentine's Day, which would also be perfect for 4th of July, and I haven't had any luck finding a pair in stores, or my usual online shopping outlets.

    Sharing that Cinco de Mayo meme with my mom - she'll love it. Haha!



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