I literally cannot believe I have never shared this pie with you. I had to go back and be sure because it is my MOST requested Pie recipe ever. This pie has been made in our family since 1973 when my mom was in Home Ec club with the owner of a popular restaurant called The Essenhaus. It was modeled after our local Amish community and known for it's Homestyle Amish cooking and baking, namely pies. This restaurant is now popular and well renowned all over the country and a hot spot for tourists ever summer. 

My mom was lucky enough to be given this recipe, which she passed to me and I now make it for all sorts of people. It is an especially GREAT Mother's Day treat just in case your urge to bake a pie is firing up! I've been told it's even better than the restaurants but you be the judge.

What You'll Need


1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
1 cup brown sugar 
2 cups whipping cream (Unwhipped)
1 unbaked 9" pie shell

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Blend flour into melted butter, I like to use a large pyrex pourable mixing bowl for this. Add the brown sugar and mix thoroughly. Add whipping cream from carton and stir until very well blended. pour into pie shell and bake for 50-55 minutes. Cool, store in the refrigerator. 

I did not use my own homemade crust on this for time saving but I do find the roll out pie crusts are the flakiest. I like to put my pie dish onto a cookie sheet when baking in case any pie mixture were to spill or run over.

The Perfect Pie!! YUM!


Linking up with  // Metamorphosis Monday 


  1. I'm going to make this! We love old fashioned goodies like this cream pie and find that they are almost always the best!

  2. Oh this looks delicious! And what a fun backstory on how you got the recipe! I haven't had a slice of pie in so long. I need to make this for my mom for Mother's Day! Thanks for sharing, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  3. It is amazing what a few really simple ingredients can do sometimes. I cannot wait to try this! How fun!

  4. What a cool story about the recipe! I've never had a cream pie before.

  5. Yet another recipe of yours I'll be making this week!!! We are hosting a family party on Sunday and I think this would be a great addition. I am so lucky to have you in my life - sweet, kind, beautiful, and extremely talented. Thanks sweet friend for always keep the Rohr family well fed!

  6. Oh this sounds amazing. Sometimes the simple recipes are the best! I bet yours is better than the restaurant version!

  7. Pinning this deliciousness immediately! Yum and I can't wait to get my hands on your cookbook!

  8. With the primary ingredients being butter and sugar, this HAS to be delicious! Thanks for sharing this precious recipe with us!

  9. This is exactly why you need to come out with that cookbook, Andrea!! How fabulous does this sound??

  10. I’ve never heard of cream pie! Sounds decadent! Thanks for linking up at The Blended Blog! 😉

  11. DE to the LISH! This looks so divine.

  12. It’s perfectly acceptable to have pie for breakfast right? This looks so delicious and like it’s easy to make too! That’s a win win in my book!

  13. Oh my goodness! This looks delicious! I was going to make a different pie today, but I think I am going to have to make this instead!

  14. Did someone say pie???? I do love a good pie and this sounds amazing!!!! I love that the ingredient list isn't a mile long. Going to need to try this!

  15. This looks yummy! You always make the best desserts! How do you not wiegh 500 pounds?!

  16. This sounds so simple and delicious. When I think cream pie, I think something totally different since I am down here in the South. I want to try this spin on it!

  17. This sounds simple yet delicious! I think my Daddy would like this! He likes the "no frills" kinds of desserts.

  18. Ok. I have not had lunch yet, but this is making me so dang hungry! Especially since it is a low carb day (boo!) for this fitness plan I'm doing! I love how simple the ingredients are and it looks SO delicious in these photos. I don't think I could stop eating it. LOL! Going to pin this for later.


  19. That looks good. I often used pre-made pie crusts too and I like to roll out the roll out ones just a bit more than they'd typically roll out from the package to make them feel and taste a bit more like homemade. Pinned.

  20. I think I just gained back all the weight I have lost just looking at this pie! HA! It looks so good!

  21. This pie sound amazing and I love that it's been in your family dessert rotation since 1973....that means it has to be delicious! Also the minimal ingredients are just my style for baking desserts! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  22. Girl, guess I need to go bake this pie for my company This looks delicious and so, so easy. It will be going in my recipe file as well. Bet a dollop of whipped cream would be good on it too. Another homerun!

  23. Simple is best. Without having even tasted it I just know it's one for Dine With Nine. I've never heard of this pie. It sounds a bit like our treacle tart. Longing to make it for the grandkiddies. Hugs, my clever friend, x.

  24. Not even kidding...my mouth is watering!!! Is it like a chess pie. Looks oh so delicious!!! I need to make this, but we'd just have to eat the whole thing...LOL!!! XO

  25. Love the story behind your pie. I haven't had this pie in YEARS. Growing up in PA Dutch area, this was always at the diners and such, made by the local Amish ladies. Pinning!

  26. This looks so yummy!! I love old fashioned goodies! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  27. That looks sooo simple and so good. I think I need to make this soon. I am not sure what for, but I need to try it.

  28. How have I not heard about this before! It's clearly not something we have in the UK, I'm going to have to make this for my family now. #brilliantblogposts

  29. Congratulations!
    Your post is featured on Full Plate Thursday and we have pinned it to our Features Board. Thanks so much for sharing with us and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Miz Helen

  30. Anonymous8.9.24

    So I live about 20 miles from the Essenhaus and we were talking about pies. I was saying how my very favorite pie is the Old Fashioned Cream pie at the Essenhais, but I’ve never seen it anywhere else. I was asked what’s in it and thought I’d look it up. And here you are!!! Thank you so much!!


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