I wasn’t going to write this post. I’ve always been very private with some aspects of my life. I have never talked bad about my place of employment and will continue to honor that....Even as Wednesday is my last day after 18 years in management for an organization!! Yep, you read right, I turned in my resignation 2 weeks ago and it feels sooooo Good! I could’ve titled this post “The Happiest Day of My Life,” but I’ll refrain a tad as of course there have been many happier days but guys, I’M FREAKIN EXCITED!

However, ever since my excitement over leaving my job, a dark cloud arose along with a heavy sadness in my heart because I saw people’s true colors. Yes, the majority I told or found out we’re so sweet and congratulatory, and I know had nothing but well wishes and good in their hearts. These are the tried and true, that as our colleague population grew to 2,000, they were the ones who'd been there forever and had nothing but well wishes. However, there were a few that broke my heart or lack of heart I might say. 
 Are you ready for this? I literally had one colleague who called me a loser for leaving the organization. Hello? If it makes me a loser for wanting to be happy in life then I will wear the biggest "L" on my forehead I can find! 

My sweet friend Kellyann found this last week on here calendar and it really resonated with me too. LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!!

People thought Oh she's resigning to blog more. Well, no, I already blog full time and yes, while I wish I knew how to make really good money and not just a little spending money from it, I'll admit I don't know how, so it'll stay a hobby and fun way to socialize with cool peeps such as yourselves. Like I said, I am a very private person so I decided not to divulge what I am doing in the next chapter. I know that helping people, not hurting them is in my DNA so I will be trying to spread smiles and make hearts happy. 
And I can tell you this Queenism came to life....

My dear friend and blogger Sierra from Beautifully Candid recently wrote a letter to herself entitled Dear Me. I’m going to quote some of the things she said because the words are so fitting for me with what is happening at this time in my life. She says “You were always taught to be kind and show love even when others don't. Some people have a hard time with seeing others happy—that's their fault, not yours. Let it go. Pray for them, and continue to invest your time in those that value your friendship, because you know those that are truly by your side have and always will be there for you.”

Why oh why do people not rejoice when others are happy? I get plum giddy when a loved one or friend has something awesome happen in their lives. I truly am a person who gets excited about the little things in life. Sierra goes on to say “It's ok to get excited. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the small things. If you want to throw a breakfast party for no other reason than it being a Saturday, do it.”

And then this bit of advice truly hit home 
“Let go of what others think. Don't hold back on sharing things if it's something that makes you happy. The sad part about putting yourself out there is others who can't relate tend to think you are doing things for show, even if you've always been that way but you just share more of it now. Keep doing what makes you happy.” Here I was in a job that was never even meant to be my career, how did 18 years go by of NOT doing what I wanted to do? It was not what I went to school for, never in my dreams, it just came along at a time it was needed and that was a good thing...just a lil too long and when the happiness faded....I needed to too!

Below are some pictures of work in happier times, when I was on a social committee and we had a budget to throw awesome parties for our colleges. This was my favorite Holiday Tea where we coordinated aqua, silver and white, had amazing appetizers and gave away over 200 raffle prizes.

Yep, you'll see my mama in this picture too, also on the committee..great group!

and my first awards banquet...2001

The Devil is the thief of joy. He manifests himself in your surroundings, never, ever let him. Be grateful for the gifts God has given you and embrace each day as a treasure!

Emily Bronte is a favorite author of mine and I think her quote rings true. As time moves on, life grows sweeter.

Thank you for letting me vent. I am not going to let the untrue bring down my excitement for this new chapter in my life. And I have to give a BIG shout out to my man for working hard so I could banish my stress and live out my dreams. See, I wasn't going to write it because I was going to let it just be another chapter, one ending and one beginning in my book of life but after reading 13 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job, and seeing what transpired because I just wanted to be happy, I decided I needed, wanted to tell a little about this point in my life because most of you get it! And I adore you for understanding.

Be Back tomorrow for Tasty Tuesday with a scrumptious comfort food dish sure to please the masses...I think!

The Hills are alive...yes, they are!!!


  1. Oh Andrea. I am SO happy for you! I think that it's great you are following your dreams and your happiest life. I'm sorry that you have had to deal with people not being happy for you during this exciting time. You are so right that helping people, not hurting people, is in your DNA and I'm sure you will do great things! Best of luck in the next chapter and Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  2. Andrea...I am so excited and sad fo ryou. I am so sorry that people have been unkind to you. That truly breals my heart because you are just the sweetest! But I am excited for the next chapter in your life! Smile Big, sweet Friend!

  3. Woo hoo!!!! I know how good you feel to get that off your chest and sweet friend I know the lessons have been hard to learn here because they hurt so much but this next chapter will be so wonderful for you. No more toxic environment, no more fake friends. I totally understand as I have been there too! I am so happy now that on Sunday nights I don't go to bed with that icky feeling in the pit of my stomach because I have to go to work. I thought of you this morning when I got up to go to the gym and I was thinking of coming home and not having to rush out of the house - you won't be doing that next Monday, no rushing off to work for you - yay!!!
    Finally I am so proud of you for choosing happiness!

  4. Thinking of you. Praying you find happiness and joy in your next chapter. Blessings, sweet friend.

  5. Congratulations and best wishes on your next chapter. You are lovely and will spread love and kindness wherever you go!

  6. I'm so sorry that you are leaving with somewhat of a bad taste in your mouth from the organization but I know your presence will be missed! Your amazing personality and love of life is honestly what made people lash out and be so hurtful, they'll all miss the way you brought life to that place!!! Best of luck in your next chapter! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Yay for you in your search for wonderful things and a happy place to be in!! And haters gonnA hate, yo’! 😊

  8. Good for you Andrea! It sounds to me like you've given a wonderful 18 years to your company and they will be sad to see you go. I'm glad there are people there who celebrate YOU and the next step in your life! Good luck sweet lady!

    pumps and push-ups

  9. I am sure this next chapter is going to be amazing! Maybe, in a way, some of the negativity was good... it just helped you be solid in knowing you made the right decision. No second guessing or wondering, just happy you finally made the jump!! I am sure whatever you do will be amazing. I hope you tell us a little more as you feel comfortable. In the meantime just enjoy it!

  10. Again, I am SO STINKIN' happy for you, Sister! But I must say that I am disappointed in the way that you've been treated by your colleagues. Being in the biz for over twenty years, I've seen how companies/corporations/people change and it's not always for the good of ourselves. You got this, Babe!

  11. Well, my friend! I couldn't be happier for you! Sometimes taking a step in the right direction can be hard to do and can come with some bittersweet feelings. I'm so impressed that you went for it anyway! You are one of the sweetest people I know and I just can't imagine anyone treating you so terribly. Shame on them! You deserve better and I hope you find that happy on your new path in life!

  12. Woohoo! It's so important to know when it's time to let go of things and you've figured it out! There's just something about the culture of large organizations these days....people do not seem to be valued at all. Used to be that people were loved and cared for but now you are just there to produce. I've also noticed that so many people are just escorted out of the building on a random Tuesday or Wednesday with no warning. It's unkind, you know?

    I know the future will be bright for you, Andrea! You keep smiling and stay positive.

  13. I am so happy that you are doing what makes YOU happy & what is best for YOU! I'm sorry that some people aren't being kind to you about it though. Some people just have to bring others down which is sad & unfortunate. You keep being sweet & amazing and don't let them get you down too much!

  14. I am so happy you're starting something new! That totally sucks though that people have to try and bring you down, don't let them!! And by the way, who even uses the word Loser anymore?! Losers, that's who LOL!!

  15. Congratulations! You sound so happy and I love your quotes! Isn't it amazing how people can be so negative? I fell into a career that I didn't really plan for and never really fit me but as I made more money, it became harder to quit. Finally after 12 years, I quit when I had my first son. It appeared that I was just doing it because of the baby but the truth was - I was SO ready to leave by then! Good luck with the next chapter of your life! Cheers!

  16. I'm so incredibly happy for you Andrea and this post really resonated with me today. I've been in such a funk lately with being sick and I just needed that last little reminder about not letting others steal my joy. You're going to do great things, friend I just know it! Cheers to new amazing beginnings! :)

  17. Congratulations and good luck in your next moves! I'm sorry the others weren't nice to you about it, I bet they are just sad that you are leaving them behind!

  18. First of all congratulations on this new chapter in your life! Second, I'm inspired by your positivity during what has to be a trying time. Never let people take away that sunny outlook girlfriend! Thank you for sharing that Queenism too! I'm sure what ever it is you do next will be amazing! xo

  19. Congrats on your next adventure in life, Andrea and let bring other people's opinions bring you down!! You are following your heart which what life is all about! I'm proud of you as well as excited! Looking forward to see what life will bring your way!

    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  20. Bravo! You know what's best for you and you did it! love all the quotes and the spirit! Wishing you great days ahead..

  21. Wooooooowwwww that's so cool. You know,as someone who just left their job after 25 years, its a reality check. I'll never forget my CFO telling me my job never really mattered to my face, seriously? People get personally offended by people leaving, like you're doing it to then instead of remembering you have your own life. I can't wait to see what your new adventures hold

  22. Omg Andrea, I kid you not. I just clicked on the 13 signs link and literally every single one of those is me. Except I do keep getting new responsibilities and yet my pay has stayed the same since I started five years ago.

    I am so happy for you!!! I know we already talked about it a little bit, but you definitely have to ignore the haters. They are probably just miserable themselves and their jealousy is coming out. I wish you alllllll the best for the next chapter of your life!

  23. Screw those meanies!! Sorry...not sorry though. Haha. Anyways.. good for you! At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you and what makes you happy. You are a kind, caring, and beautiful person. You are also a bright light in this sometimes dark world. You are going to be GREAT in whatever you choose to do too! :-)

  24. I am so happy and so proud of you for taking the steps to bring yourself to even more happiness. You are a true gem and deserve to shine! Whatever you decide for your next journey I hope is supported and celebrated by those that truly care. Unkind comments are never easy to brush off, but you know what is best for you and I am so happy you are embracing that <3 Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  25. Yay for doing what makes YOU happy!! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see what you have going on in the future.
    I have been at my current job for 4 years and I love it but not the people I work with -- which makes it coming to work kind of dreadful, which sucks.

  26. So happy for you, Andrea! You are beautiful inside and out. Don't let those ugly attitude people take you down. Blessings in this next awesome stage of your life!!

  27. So so happy for you! Pray the dark cloud of mean things people say and do - can be left behind and not steal the joy of something so exciting to come!

    Daily Style Finds

  28. Have fun getting your house all organized and settled! Enjoy your free time now because all the sudden you will wonder how you did it all while working full time!!
    Thank you for sharing this tidbit, it hit home with me, as well!
    “Let go of what others think. Don't hold back on sharing things if it's something that makes you happy. The sad part about putting yourself out there is others who can't relate tend to think you are doing things for show, even if you've always been that way but you just share more of it now. Keep doing what makes you happy.”

  29. Congrats Andrea.... Big things for you ahead!

  30. Wow, Andrea!!
    I know I always want kindness in my life, so when people aren't it weighs heavy on me. But you are a kind and generous person, Andrea, and you don't deserve anything but the same!!

  31. A big WOO to the HOO!!!! I am SO happy you decided to share this. We put so much of our lives "out there" via our blogs and people don't know there are downs with the ups. This is a big deal and a new chapter and we want to read all about it. I'm so sad that the end of this chapter brought such hurtfulness, but this next chapter is going to be great! Have a great last week of work. I have no doubt many of the peeps you work with will celebrate you the way you deserve. Lots of love sweet friend!!! Here's to new beginnings!🎉❤️ XO

  32. First off, Congratulations!!!! I'm so very happy for you. I too have been at my job for 18 years and have recently decided that it was time to move on. It's scary as hell but it's time. I too work with alot of meanies and am over it. Wishing you much luck and happiness always. This post really spoke to me as I have been really upset over my job lately and you have helped me see the light and understand that its ok to move on. I want ot have a job that I enjoy and work with nice people. But mainly I want to be fairly compensated for the work I have to do.

  33. So powerful, Andrea, and my best wishes go out to you for what is to come.
    The Twain bit resonated with me. When I started blogging I only told friends who I thought would "get it". So initially I told two. Last year a couple of "friends" made insensitive comments about my wasting my time blogging, and I have to say it didn't come as a surprise as I had distanced myself from them the more I'd got to truly know them. That day in my mind I walked away from them, for good.
    Thank you for sharing this. And thanks for tieing up the 18 years with photos of positive memories.
    Keep in doing what you're doing, spreading joy, it works needs it.
    Hugs, sweet lady, x.

    1. And an alternative to that last sentence: keep on doing what you're doing, spreading joy, the world needs it.
      Bloomin spellchecker!

  34. Congrats! How exciting. People can be miserable and try to drag you down with them, its great that you recognize it and do what works best for you.

  35. LOVE the throwback pictures, and yessss what happened to the days where we had a budget for parties for employees. So little goes such a long way with morale. It amazes me how some people are only happy when spreading negativity. Cast it aside... Wrapping my arms around you in a big hug sweet friend <3
    Green Fashionista

  36. I was getting ready to do this EXACT same thing 4 years ago after many talks with my husband and it turned out they let me go a couple of days before I gave my resignation! I left with a nice package, which was not what I had expected at all... I was at a corporation for almost a decade and I don't know why I stayed there as long as I did. I'm now a SAHM (to two kids that aren't so little anymore) and I do blog f/t. It keeps me plenty busy. It may not be the norm, but it is what makes me happy and it works for our family... I think we just all need to do what is best for us. Life is too precious and too quick. I am SO proud of YOU!! And to those that didn't respect your decision... I say shake it off!


  37. CONGRATULATIONS for following your heart and giving up what clearly was no longer good for you, Andrea! I'm SUPER excited for your new beginning, whatever it may be. I know you'll be amazing at whatever you choose to do, because you ARE amazing. I can't believe that anyone would call you a loser, but whoever that colleague was, he must be suffering terribly in his own life. I kind of feel sorry for him for that.
    I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!
    HUGE hugs from across the pond,
    Suzy xxx

  38. Congratulations! Being a quitter can be good, and here is a prime example. I am so happy for you and wish you much luck in your future endeavors. I am sorry you have had to deal with some jerky behavior. But just like you, you didn't let it dull your shine.

  39. Congrats on the next chapter in your life! It really does suck when people can’t be happy for you during a big life change, but sometimes it’s best to know who those people are so you can see their true colors!

  40. ANDREA!!!! First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm SO excited for you that you are doing something for your own happiness. It sounds to me like your work was a lot like mine was before I left... sucking the life out of you. It's awful that so many people at your job were so negative when they heard your news, but you are so right - you don't need the negativity!!!! You have a beautiful soul and you should be somewhere with people who know and appreciate that. I'm so happy for you, friend! Cheers to you!

  41. I am so happy you wrote this post. All of these quotes are so dead on!! You do you!! And what makes YOU HAPPY!! Love you girl and am so happy for you!! Cheers to this next chapter for you!

  42. Anonymous29.1.18

    Andrea you have no idea how this just hit me......a few hours ago I did the exact same thing. Walked out the door after 10 1/2 years. It's going to take a bit but like you I feel a bit free. Be well!

  43. You are amazing! CONGRATULATIONS sweetie! I wish I could give you a hug and make margs to celebrate with you. I think so often people let jealousy blindside them and they just can't be happy for other people SO lame.

  44. I have so much respect for you to leave a job that doesn't make you happy and inspiring others to not resign themselves to an unhappy workplace. I am sure good things are in store for you!

  45. Well I am excited for you! Happy you got to leave something behind that was not giving you joy! I hope we can all be the kind of people that celebrate with others. This post is a good reminder. Excited to see what is next for you.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  46. Don't let anyone bring you down Andrea! It's so sad when others feel the need to be negative instead of lifting you up during such an exciting transitional time! I'm so excited for you and your next chapter!

    Rosy Outlook

  47. I am so happy for you!! I'm sure it wasn't easy resigning but you put yours first and that is a BRAVE thing to do. Not many people do that. I recently resigned and it was an amazing feel and I also felt what your felt after as well. But one supportive co-worker put things into perspective and told me that I was brave for going after my happiness. So cheers to the next chapter of your life!


  48. Enjoy! I am sure you are going on to bigger and better things. I wish you all the best.

  49. Congrats Andrea. I will be praying for you as you enter this next chapter in your life. I am saddened by the response, or lack there of, by some of your co-workers, but honestly not surprised sadly.

  50. WOOHOO!!! I am so very happy for you! You know that you need to do what's best for you and your family and ignore all of the people who are jealous. I feel sorry for people who can't be happy for others because of their own jealousy. So, so happy for you! Can't wait to see what you're going to do next--whatever it is, I know it's going to be awesome!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  51. How sad it is when people fumble for what to say and end up saying the wrong things. Maybe some of those negative comments were coming from a place of jealousy...wishing they could move on to another chapter. Anyway, I'm happy for you!

    Warm hugs,

  52. So happy to hear you're following your heart and I'm sure it took much deliberation after dedicating your time and self to a company/job for 18 years! I'm appalled by the negative comments colleagues have said about you leaving. I would have never expected to read that in this post. True colors do come out and they should be happy for you and not making unqualified assumptions. I, for one, am SUPER happy for you as you deserve all the happiness in the world! Love you sweet friend! xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  53. Good luck with your new adventure!

  54. Wow! Good for you! I think it's absolutely fabulous that you made the leap to choose happiness! When God closes a door, he opens a window. I am certain something amazing is in you near future. I hate that there are negative feelings around the transition, but you will be so relieved when you wash your hands of them!

  55. So excited for you and to see what wonderful things come your way. Good attracts good and I honestly believe only great things will be heading your way- ignore the shade from lamos. Also- I quit my job this weekend too and this post makes me want to write something like you! Love you lots- you continue to inspire me.

  56. Well, hats off to you sweet girl for going with your gut. Life is wayyy to short to not be happy in your work. And, poo poo on the folks that did not share your joy, shame on them! I look forward to hearing what's "next" for you. May the Lord guide your every step!

  57. Congrats girl! Don't let anyone ruin your happiness! Good luck on this new path.... I'm sure great things will come from it!

  58. Congratulations, my sweet friend! What an exciting time for you and your family!! I cannot believe the nerve of some people though...who wouldn't be happy for a co-worker following their dreams?! The world baffles me sometimes...But I am SO over the moon HAPPY for you and cannot wait to follow along on this next part of your journey. And how lucky are you that you no longer have to set an alarm?! I dream of that day when it comes for me!!



  59. I quit working in 2002 after being laid off by a company who out-sourced most of the work in the office. I think I went on 1 or 2 interviews after being laid off and after being rejected by both companies I just decided to not work anymore. My husband had a wonderful job and earned enough that we didn't need my income. He retired eleven years later and we are doing great without depending on a corporation for income. It feels great, and I am sooo happy for you being able to do the same thing and enjoy life. xo

  60. Congratulations on your new adventure! I am so excited for you Andrea! I love this post and it really spoke to me tonight. It is amazing that when we go through change how we draw some people closer while some people (who we thought were close) actually resist and pull away. Biggest wishes and blessing to you my friend!

  61. Good for you! I adore people who understand that life is not about work alone! It s living!

  62. Just feel the love from the above comments - as you already know you're doing the right thing and all the above people think so too! Stay away from negative people, they don't bring anything into our lives. Good luck with what you do Andrea, you'll smash whatever it is. xxx Jacqui

  63. How exciting! Finally realised that you don't actually have to keep going every day to a job that you don't really love and just fell into is SO liberating. I wish you massive success and happiness in whatever you decide to do next :-)

  64. I began following you with other fashion bloggers. You always look great but your clothes are not really my style. But I kept following you because your blog posts always make me smile and I love your personality. I too am a mom of three boys and share your incredible joy over your boys. You are now one of just a small handful that I still read and I look forward to see what good things are coming next in your life.

    1. Sweet Kathy, your comment won’t allow me to reply via email so I just wanted to say THANK YOU! You made my heart happy and I can only imagine how much fun you must have with your precious boys! I hope you have the BEST day! ;-) xo

  65. Congratulations Andrea!!! I am so happy for you!!! It is a big step toward you and nobody can judge you for what you did! Life is too short that's why live the fullest for yourself and your family first! You cannot please everyone! Enjoy every moment! Sorry, my grammar is not perfect. English is my second language, but I really wanted to support you, Andrea! You are so sweet! And I love reading your blog! You go, Girl!!!

  66. Indeed life is too short to not follow your heart. The naysayers don't deserve your sweet presence. Leaving an unpleasant (at best) situation can be so liberating. It's like getting rid of the elephant on your chest. Whatever you chose to do now will be superb! You will be like my daughter who posts on Instagram #lovemyjob. She is in a very good place in her life and I just know you will be too! P.S. I would follow you on IG if you choose to set up an account. Hugs, sweet Andrea...xoxo

  67. I am so excited for you friend! I love what Sierra wrote, I missed that post, off to check it out! But what she said is so dang true! I'm so happy for you and what the next chapter of life is going to bring you! I agree with Donna, set up an IG account, hehe :)

  68. Oh gosh you are so beautiful and not just on the outside but your heart shines through and true. You have made me feel so good on several occasions with your kind words. Never mind the ugly in the world and I mean ugly hearts. They have karma to face. You enjoy your life and continue to share you loving spirit because so many of us are benefiting from it! And we'll be here cheering you on doll! Kick up your heels and have a grand time of life!! Cheryl

  69. You do YOU. To hell with the haters. As sad and shocking as it is to see people show their true (ugly) colours, it's also refreshing to slough off those negative energies.
    Katelynn, hampersandhiccups.com

  70. This post made me cry- happy and sad tears. I can't imagine why anyone would be so rude- especially to you. I know I say it alot but I mean it- you truly are a ray of sunshine. Those mean people don't deserve you. I am so happy for you for going for something new. Change takes courage and you have lots of it. Congratulations on your new career- sending you an extra big hug. xo!

  71. Andrea, congratulations and best wishes on your next chapter. As a parent of a chronically ill child, I’m telling you...Go, do, laugh, love, because literally overnight your world can shadder. I’m so sorry for the pain some have caused. It’s easy to say “haters are going to hate”, but I hope you hold your head high, count your blessings, and remember you’re special...a limited edition.😊

  72. Congratulations! You just dance your Sound of Music self right into the next chapter of your life.

  73. It's such a shame when people try to bring you down. But it sounds like you've got it right. Forget them. :)

  74. Congratulations to you on making the decision and on the way you are handling the fall out with such grace.

  75. So excited to see where this next chapter takes you! When we go through exciting times in our lives it really does make you realize who is and isn't on your team. Years back when Riley was experiencing some excitement we encountered some similar things and I remember reading the quote "pay attention to those who don't clap when you win" and it's so true! I won an award at work once....and all of my coworkers left as soon as the ceremony was over without so much as a word to me. It broke my heart...I thought of them like family and I remember how badly it hurt.

  76. I had to catch up on what was going on. I am soooo happy and excited for you. There is nothing like being in a space where you are unhappy. I will never understand how and why individuals must put each other down and not be supportive. Together we are stronger. I know you are aware that although those individuals have hurt you that they are not worth your time. Remember those who are cheering and not those who are glaring. Here's to the next chapter!!! XOXOXO

  77. All good wishes for your next stage of life! Thanks for sharing with Party in Your PJs!

  78. Congratulations on making a step in your life that will make you happier. I'm sorry your co-worker was so rude.

  79. Anonymous5.2.18

    First off, sometimes you just have to VENT! I'm so happy for you in this next chapter and quite honestly, I was SHOCKED to find out you had a full-time job outside of your blog! You're amazing! How do you find the time?? I'm always so inspired by your happiness and outlook on life! You keep doing you and pay no attention to the haters (there will always be haters)! Love your blog!!

  80. I've always thought leaving a job is a huge bag of mixed emotions. Excitement, relief, a little fear about was this the right decision. But it usually does work out for the best.


Thank you for taking the time to Browse my Blog. Your comments mean the world to me and I treasure each and every one!! If you are a non-reply blogger I won’t be able to respond via email. Kindness and Love, xo