There's Bucket Lists of things you've never done that you want to do and then there's lists of things you've never done but you're totally OK with never doing!!! Some ladies and I got to talking about things we had never done and it took some thought but we all had interesting lists. One friend had never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and another had never been on an airplane or in a boat. These are the things I confess to that I've never done in my life as some elaboration as to why...

I've NEVER....

Seen an episode of The Bachelor (Gasp! I know)
I do not like that kind of drama so just never have watched, although Ben Higgins is from our area and we were at his High School the night of a taping, but still, nope, no desire. The kinds of drama I like are the Chicago kind, you know, Fire, Med and PD.

Had stitches
Butterfly bandage, yes, stitches, no  

Had a broken bone
 Thank Goodness 

Been in a Semi Truck
Ok, I know a couple semi drivers and they're very nice but the idea of a semi truck just conjures up a truck stop creeper kind of vibe, is that just me?

Swam under water
This is a strange one to me. I love the water and can swim but I've never actually swam underneath the water. So weird!

Been on a Jet Ski or Water Skies
Most likely, I would not be swimming underwater with these, signal life vest; so I really can't say what I've never been on them. 

Eaten Brussels Sprouts, Caviar, Eggs Benedict, Oysters, SpaghettiOs or a Big Mac
Are these things any good? My husband loves Eggs Benedict but I've never tried it.

Joined Facebook or Instagram
I simply cannot do all Social Media and work and have a blog and raise a family. A couple outlets have to get sacrificed. Now while I admit I am probably missing out a little not having an insta, and you're probably all gonna tell me that, lol, not having a FB is 110% fine by me. I read an article why one guy refused to join HERE and even had others try to argue why he should HERE and his stance remained the same. 

Been inside a Costco
 We just got one a couple years ago but I've never been and unless they give us a free day to try it, not worth the membership fee 45 minute drive for me.

Been on a Cruise
No desire. I'll plant my butt in the sand in same port for a week and be just fine. 

Been to a Circus
 No Big Top, wish I had a "big top", lol. I'm probably missing the elephants, right??

Taken My Kids to Disney World
 Say it, I'm a terrible mother!!!! Terrible, ha. Brenda over at Chatting Over Chocolate would have my hide, lol. However, trust me, these boys have not been many great vacations.

Gotten a Tattoo
At about 21 the idea flashed through my mind but it was fleeting and no desire now. My luck, with my aging skin, a butterfly would end up Lord only knows were, lol

Plucked My Eyebrows
While sometimes I think my eyebrows need more definition, knock on wood, no uni-brow yet so I see no reason to start now.

Worn False Eyelashes
Oh they are so pretty!! Yet, I know what would happen, I'd be in the middle of something important and one would start falling off and I'd think a caterpillar is crawling up my face.


  1. These are all so interesting especially the underwater you've never dunked your head under the water?! You NEED to eat eggs benedict...I had it twice this weekend lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. These are so funny! My MIL cannot put her head underwater either, and now I'll tell her that she's not the only one! We are going on a cruise this summer and I know they aren't for everyone, but you should try it at least once! And good for you that you don't have to do your eyebrows! It gets to be a hassle getting them waxed every couple of weeks, and I'm jealous you don't have to do anything!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Oh my goodness! This is awesome and so interesting!! My mom doesn't like going under the water either! Was laughing over the Bachelor one!! I've never been in a semi truck...and can we just talk about how jealous I am of the eyebrows! LOL

  4. Ha! This is a great list! You need to try brussel sprouts, but they need to be done right. No soggy brussels, you want them roasted or something and with a little bacon ;-) I have never broken a bone either, when I was a kid I always wanted a cast. I never had the chance to have everyone sign it. Now just the thought of breaking a bone is enough to make me not want to try anything half way dangerous!

  5. You are one lucky duck that you don't have to pluck your eyebrows haha! Mine would take over my face if I didn't tame them a little bit! Also--can't believe you've never seen the Bachelor! Probably for the best!! Happy Monday love!

  6. Consider yourself blessed to not have been inside of a Costco...especially on a weekend haha. Ive never broken a bone or gotten stitches before either!

  7. This is such a fun post, Andrea! The underwater one is funny, but husband is the exact same way!! I am always trying to get him to dunk his head but he refuses! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  8. LOVED this and holy moly some of these blew me away!! Never been in Costco?! I'm there like once a week!!
    Big macs... Mmmmm. So bad but so good lol.
    Loved learning these little tidbits about you!!
    I won't try and sell you on Facebook, but Instagram is TONS of fun :)

    Simply Shaunacey

  9. We have tons in common.. I've never broken a bone, been the circus, been in a Costco or gotten a tattoo!! Hope your week is off to a great start xx

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  10. This is such a great post. I too have never broken a bone. You are so lucky that you don't have to pluck your eyebrows. I get mine done every three weeks and it is such a pia! Happy Monday Pretty Lady!

  11. Ha, I love this list! And you're not alone - I've never watched The Bachelor either and have zero interest in starting :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend pretty girl!


  12. Fun post Andrea!! We have a few things in common too. :-) I only wore false lashes for my sisters wedding and they were interesting lol. They felt a little funny at first but then I liked them. Until I had to take them off, that hurt!!! Have a lovely day!! :-)

  13. Oysters are good and a big mac is just a really big cheeseburger with a mayonnaise/ketchup sauce. I like them every once in awhile, but they're nothing super special. I think you have the right idea with not having social media, it can be stressful at times, and FB can drive you nutty-haha If you ever did want to join one I would recommend Instagram which is pictures only, and it's actually my favorite of all the platforms. I've never been on a cruise either nor have I been to Disney World, but I'm hoping to take the kids soon! Loved this and getting to know you a bit more! :)

  14. I can't believe you've never had brussels sprouts, they are one of my favorite vegetables! In my opinion you are missing out on those, oysters, and eggs benedict but can pass on the others haha

  15. SO fun!!!! The Bachelor is ridiculous(ly amazing) hahahah ... kidding. You aren't missing much. I used to watch all the Real Housewives shows, Bachelor, Kardashians, etc. but we got rid of cable and I don't miss them at all. The swimming underwater one is funny though! You'd think as a kid you would have at least? Interesting!

  16. Eggs Benedict is SO good! You must try it!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  17. You and I are twins we never have had a broken bone!!! Such a fun and truthful post!!! Love!

  18. I love this! It's so fun getting to know you better! I have never been to Disney World or Land and I'm fine;)

  19. Awesome, awesome post, Girlfriend! We have SOO much in common! But I think the one thing that surprised me most, and that we DON'T have in common, is the false eyelashes! Enjoy your Monday, Sweetie!

  20. okay, I can understand most of them...but the underwater thing, especially if you know how to swim! And my hubby is with you on the curise stance, he says he doesn't want to feel confined and doesn't want to go down like the Titanic...haha.

  21. I am with you on underwater - and cruises. I went on an Alaska cruise - but if I am going somewhere warm - I would rather just explore on my own timeline.

    Daily Style Finds

  22. This list is awesome! I've never seen the Bachelor either. I think the concept is icky. Hey Grandkids - check out the show where I met your Grandpa and he banged like 25 other girls on National television. Gross. Hahahaha!

  23. I envy you for not being on Facebook, I consider deleting mine all the time. And you're not missing much with Costco, it's always so crowded no matter when you go. But cruises and riding jet skis - so much fun! Loved learning more about you <3
    Green Fashionista

  24. Anonymous14.3.16

    SO interesting! Come eat some oysters down South (but I'll pass on the spaghettio's ha). You can visit Costco with a friend and see what they have and not join; if you want anything just check out under their membership card. Easy peasy (and the prices on cheese, flowers, and alcohol alone make for a fun visit!).

  25. You've never seen the Bachelor? I am impressed! I got sucked in for three seasons haha but I haven't watched the last couple!

  26. Oh my, very interesting list!! brussel sprouts, oysters and eggs benedict!! Oysters I understand because of the look and texture but I defintiely recommend trying the other two. You're lucky you've never had to pluck your eyebrow. That's a dreaded beauty "chore"!

  27. I actually love brussel sprouts, but I admit they SMELL terrible! This was so fun to read. Us blondes need all the eyebrows we can get!!

  28. This is such a great idea! I'm so jelly that you're not on Facebook. I want to delete mine, but I have no other way of connecting with my extended family....wait a minute...LOL.

  29. You should definitely not walk into Costco because that store is so addicting! You might walk in and never want to come out! I like having social media accounts, but it can get very busy and time consuming!

  30. What a fun post! Reading it started to make me think of the things I haven't done!

  31. Never watched the bachelor!!! lol Actually I never watched it before this season and I am totally obsessed. I'm anxiously awaiting the finale tonight. :)

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  32. What a fun post, Andrea! I've never been on a cruise either, definitely would like to though. And I've never had eggs benedict either...I hear they are a must though.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  33. I've never had stitches either...ugh, the thought makes me cringe. I can't swim, so jet ski's and all that are out for me too...terrifies me. What a fun post to get to know you better!

  34. Oh my! I love this post! I have to admit that I can identify with most of everything on this list. We were destined to be friends!

  35. OH my gosh! I feel like you haven't tried or done anything. Lol!!

    I think one of my weirdest things is i've never had Subway (gasp! Am I an American? Lol!) and I do want to take my daughter to Disney World... but I agree, there are better places to travel to than blowing thousands at Mickey Mouse land...though I've been there, so I feel guilty...

    All the Cute
    Today's Post: Edgy Florals...

  36. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't watch The Bachelor! I feel like everyone in Bogland loves it and I definitely thought I was alone haha. I also don't have FB but girl, you NEED Instagram!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  37. Not a surprise - we have so many of these in common! Although I used to watch the Bachelor every season. I finally weaned myself off it - too much drama! Have a wonderful week!

  38. What a fun post! Eggs benedict is one of my favorite things for brunch. You should try it! Instagram and Facebook definitely take up time, it's probably good that you're not on it! Have a wonderful day!

    Doused In Pink

  39. SUCH a fun list! I've never done lots of these either, including the first 4 and Disney and Cosco. ;) Glad to meet a fellow 40-something Midwest mom! Stopping by from Tuesday Talk!

  40. bahahahahah, awesome post. Loved learning more about you! I'm with you on the Cruises, never will I ever.

  41. We've never done Disney either. I hate the idea of spending that much on a vacation. We could buy a car for the price of that trip for a family of 7! Fun list. :)

  42. This was a fun list to read! I've done the majority of these (except for semi truck, oysters, caviar, spaghettios, eggs Benedict, tattoo, false lashes). Some things I've never done is smoke. Anything. Not cigarettes or anything "stronger." I can add hamburger helper, sushi, shrimp, crab, lobster...ok any kind of the list. I've only recently tried salmon (don't care for it).

    Making the Most of Every Day

  43. Don't feel left out, I haven't done a lot of those things too. Something I've never done... Hmmm... Well... I've never worn a bikini, held a spider, or written a song. I'm not sure why I listed those... But it's true! LoL! - Jerusha,

  44. Great list. It is really funny some of the things I have never done that alot of people do regularly. But I am ok with that. Thank you for sharing your list for those of us who also don't do stuff.:)

  45. What a neat idea for a list! I love that you know what you like and don't have any regrets about it. We haven't taken our sons to Disney World either and I do have a sense of FOMO about it. I'm glad to hear that you haven't taken your kids and they're fine!

  46. High five on never watching the Bachelor - me either! I'm with you a few of these - no tattoos, no broken bones (knock wood) and never been in a semi! I think the most fascinating is the underwater one - my mom is the same. We had an above ground pool growing up but she still wouldn't do it! And good for you for avoiding social media - it's such a time suck. Wish I had but now it's too late . . . I can't resist!

  47. Anonymous16.3.16

    I do think you're missing out on Instagram but not Facebook. My page doesn't do as well as Twitter or Insta. I've never been to Disney World but, as a lover of all things Disney, I can't wait till I do! #BloggerClubUK

  48. You wouldn't want to go to a circus now. Last time I took my daughter PETA was outside protesting and ruined my day. All I could think about was..are the animals being abused etc. I had to crack up about your comment about not having a big top. I can relate but at 54 I'm glad because it I have enough back problems with out that too. lol

  49. You're lucky that your eyebrows don't need plucking! I'd have a unibrow for sure if it weren't for regular plucking, haha!

    Eggs Benedict and Brussels Sprouts are both SO good! I definitely recommend you try them. :)

    Totally okay that you didn't take your kids to Disney! Better than what my parents did... they took us four older kids, but left my infant sister behind with grandparents. Which makes perfectly good sense. Except that they never took little sister when she got older. She loves to give my parents a hard time about this "Oooh sure, you took all your favorite children to Disney and left MEEE behind..." ;)

  50. Lets see...I have never eaten a big mac, oysters or caviar. One time I spent the night at a friends house and their mom made us spaghetti o's and I legit looked at it and was like ummm no thanks. And she was like you have to eat this!!! I had one bite and gagged and refused. haha! My mom cooked real spaghetti, I didn't want that impostor stuff!!!

    I dont wear fake lashes, never had stitches, swam under water (I cant swim), been on a jet ski, broken a bone other than my toe, been on a cruise or been to Disney World. Though I have been to a resort on Disney's campus and seen the fireworks from my hotel....I didn't actually get to go to the park.

  51. i've never watched the bachelor or survivor !

  52. We have so much in common!! I've never been on a cruise or inside a Costco either. Good to know I'm not alone ;)

    Edye //

  53. I have never watched the Bachelor either. I don't think we are missing anything;) I also have never had broken bones or stitches! (fingers crossed)I have also never done most of the things on your list except pluck my eyebrows/ swim under water and water ski. I am with you on not taking my kids to Disney also. Linking up with you at #intentionalathome :)

  54. I grew up on Spaghetto O's, though, somehow as an adult they're just not as good! While I've eaten McDonalds I've never actually had a Big Mac, can't say I'm dying to try it!
    These are great and so interesting! Personally I'm not a huge fan of the Disney Parks, $100pp just to get in the door is a bit steep for me. You should try swimming underwater sometime, it's really peaceful!

  55. I dont blame you on the FB thing, I do have an account but only because of the blog! I do love instagram. i have yet to go on cruise - maybe one day soon. Its on my bucket list. Oysters are good you should try them next time you are by the coast.Thank you for joining us at #BloggerClubUK hope to see you again next week x

  56. These are all so interesting! There are a few on there that I can totally relate to, but there are a few that I would love to do! A couple of mine would be that I've never gone sky-diving and I've never been to Mexico. No desire for either of those.

  57. Andrea, I loved reading this and getting to know you better. But girl you have never watched an episode of The Bachelor?! What kind of blogger are you? J.K. Seriously though I love The Bachelor/Bachelorette. In 15 years I think I have missed one or two seasons and they have had 31 so far lol. But I have skipped several episodes on different seasons, though.

    I cannot believe you have never swam under water, plucked your eyebrows or eaten all those things you haven't. But I hear you on Disney, I have never been myself. When Vivian grows up a little more I definitely want all of us to there as a family. =)

  58. Lol, what a fun post!! You are definitely missing out on some of those things!! Better make this list into your bucket list. ;) Thanks for adding your link to the #HomeMattersParty !


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