Back many years ago, I wrote a post on Why I Take Vitamins. And I can tell you I haven’t stopped; I’ve been taking them for years but I haven’t really talked about my updated regimen and so I thought I would share it here and the reasoning behind each one.


In keeping with that, there are many good vitamins out there on the market that you can get at the drugstore, but I like getting my vitamins from Puritan’s Pride, whether from their site or Amazon. They always have amazing reviews and deals like buy one bottle, get two free. This company has been around for years and I love the reputation. Now, there is one that I take a gummy form that I get from VitaFive. This past year I tried three different elderberry gummy‘s and I always come back to the taste and reviews from Vita Five.

So, in alphabetical order, here we go...

B Complex

One word: ENERGY!! Mr. Nine takes it too.

B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism and helps prevent infection. BUY HERE

Vitamin C

The primary reason I take vitamin C is to keep my immunity strong. Mr. Nine takes this one as well. BUY HERE

Vitamin D

It’s a known fact that especially people in our country are deficient in vitamin D, especially in the Midwest, we just don’t get enough sunshine. Vitamin D is so important for absorbing calcium and keeping our bones strong. BUY HERE

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells. BUY HERE


So vital for your immunity which we definitely all need! As I mentioned above, I tried three different brands of elderberry, but I keep coming back to this one from VitaFive.

Plus, I have a coupon code to get 15% off your total order and they have many other great gummy vitamins as well! CLOUDNINE20 or click HERE


The primary reason I take 250 mg of magnesium every night is that it truly helps me sleep and another thing is to is known for, is that it helps keep me regular, LOL! BUY HERE


Back during my college years, I had a terrible bout with irritable bowel syndrome. I would eat things like iceberg lettuce (which I no longer eat) and it would go right through me, especially at a restaurant. I took a prescribed medicine for a couple years and it kind of subsided but I heard how good taking a probiotic is for your gut health, so I continue to do so and have for years. BUY HERE

Vitex Chaste Tree

This one was just added to my vitamin regimen a little less than a year ago as recommended by my GYN nurse practitioner. This pre-menopause/menopause stuff is for the birds and us ladies need all the help we can get it when I get it naturally, I’m all for it. This stuff works my friends! It has helped with those symptoms. The only drawback is you have to take two capsules twice a day, so I take them in the morning and at dinner time. BUY HERE

I’m also going to start taking Tumeric and Ginger Gummies as I am hearing it is wonderful and helps with inflammation and joints.

Tell me, do you take vitamins? 
Do you think you feel better for doing so?

Clockwise top left BUY Vitamin C // Vitamin D // B Complex // Magnesium // Vitamin E // Vitex Chaste Berry // Probiotic // Elderberry Gummies 

Stay Healthy and Happy and Cheers to the New Week!
A Mimosa has vitamins right? Vitamin "C" in the OJ!! LOL



  1. I had not heard about the Vitex Chaste Tree - I need to look into those! The turmeric gummies sound like something I need as well. Thanks for great recommendations my friend!
    Love ya!

  2. I take vitamins every day. Right now I'm taking a multi, vitamin C, a joint support and sleep support supplement. Need to try Vitex Chaste Tree - I've never heard of that one!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  3. What a healthy cocktail of goodies. Happy Monday, Andrea!

  4. Thanks for you sharing your vitamin routine! You skin and hair have such a healthy glow so I know they are working!

  5. I will take everything you take because you're aging backwards and have such beautiful skin! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  6. I should look more into vitamins, as I currently only take a multivitamin. THanks for sharing!

  7. Anonymous15.3.21

    Well I'm definitely saving this post because I am so bad about taking my vitamins! Thank you so much for putting this together, super helpful and informative!

    Rosy Outlook 

  8. Magnesium has definiitely helped me with sleep and I didn't know it but it also helps with Vitamin D absorption. I got off track somehow on my daytime vitamins and need to get back to it.

  9. Girl, I thought you were just going to keep going down the alphabet! HAHA! Great post! Have a happy week!

  10. Several of these are in my multi-vitamin, and I agree, it's so important to have all of these. I also started taking an elderberry supplement last year when I heard that it was good for immunity. Gotta stay protected against that Rona! I've started having terrible headaches due to tense muscles, and several people have told me to start taking magnesium for that as it's supposedly a natural muscle relaxer. Any thoughts on this? And also, does the magnesium ever upset your stomach? I actually bought some but haven't started taking it just yet because I'm so worried about stomach upset. Lol.

  11. Good for you taking such good care of yourself! It is obviously working! You're glowing!

  12. I take B-12 and vitamin D every day. I also take Chlorophyll which is an internal deodorant. Chris takes a probiotic and my older sister takes Elderflower every day. I am going to try taking magnesium if it helps with sleep. During the week it takes me forever to fall asleep sometimes. Thanks for sharing friend and have a glorious day! XO, Caroline

  13. Great post!! I started taking Vitamins everyday too! I think they make a huge difference. I also started taking Apple Cider gummies.

  14. I have gone mostly vegetarian and I had my doctor check out my B12 and some other things and thankfully they were all good, but I do still eat dairy and have meat occasionally. The menopause one is something I'll need to keep in mind for the near future. I have trouble sleeping from time to time, the magnesium one sounds interesting! It is so interesting to read what works for everyone when it comes to supplements. I think if it gives your body a boost in what it is lacking (and is all natural) than why not?!


  15. I do take vitamins but only a women's multi and a calcium supplement... and occasionally elderberry if I remember it.

  16. I take some of the same vitamins as you expect for the elderberry and the pro biotic. I think taking the vitamins help a lot with our health.

  17. I'm so glad you shared this! I have been taking more and more vitamins over the years and it is good to see what others take! I take some of these as well. Tumeric is great, I have been taking it for 2 years now to help with cholesterol and muscle inflammation. Coq10 is another good one! It helps reduce skin damage and helps prevent migraines (haven't had one in 3 months!!)!

  18. We always take supplements too Andrea and were using Puritan pride for the longest time. I don't even know why we stopped...but they always have such great 2 get 2 free.
    I've never heard of the chaste tree before, but I might need that for sure.
    Jodie you take collagen at all?? I'd love to know which one!!!

  19. I just started taking a B vitamin and it's one I won't be stopping. It has been so great for me. We LOVE our elderberry... swear by that stuff! Enjoyed seeing what else you suggest/take. Thanks, Andrea.

  20. Elderberry is magical! It works wonders and such an essential. Glucosamine is another good one for joints. I love your space buns btw. Looks so cute!

    Maureen |

  21. I am SO bad at taking vitamins. Don't tell my parents! :) You've inspired me to get better about taking care of this part of my health. Love you friend!! XO


  22. You're always a step ahead of me...I have this on my list of posts to write. HA! I take quite a few of these too. That's why we're healthy. XOXO

  23. Thank you so much for sharing your vitamin routine we need all the help we can get these days. You are a walking example of what taking vitamins can do so beautiful, full of energy and glowing complexion. Thanks again! Oh I love your blog always read it and enjoy I don’t comment very often sorry I need to work on that.

  24. I love VitaFive, they really do have the best tasting elderberry gummies. I also like their beauty ones. I take a multivitamin every day, and vitamin D and B-12.

  25. This is so interesting--thanks for sharing, Andrea! I found out last year that I am crazy deficient in vitamin D, and since starting supplements, I have felt like my mood is much more stable. I've also recently gotten on the Omega-3 and probiotic train!

  26. I wish I could - & NEED to take vitamins - but they make me so sick :( I'm sure these are a part of the reason why you always have that beautiful glow!

  27. I take several of these too. A probiotic is soo important.


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