FRIDAY FAVORITES...Black Friday Edition

Is your belly still full? I know mine is. Let the games begin. I mean the festive Holiday season!! This time of year is when we all should reflect on the joy in our hearts and pass it on. Whether it be a smile, a hug, a good deed, helping someone in need, helping a neighbor...doesn't matter what it is as long as it comes from the heart. My heart is not in Black Friday anymore but I am getting my festive and family on big time today!!! Happy Weekending and for those of you to do Black Friday, may you score whatever it is you're looking for and not get trampled!!

1. NOT Shopping Today
NO way, NO How, NOT gonna do it!!! Even if the Target Lady was there in person (because I LOVE her) I am not going!! Did I mention, I'm not going???

2. Chopping Down Our Christmas Tree
Monday I will be discussing all our family traditions and this is one of the biggies. Taking the whole fam to breakfast, chopping down a Fraser Fir and taking a family photo that sometimes makes in on Christmas cards and other times, does not.

Last year tree lot photo

3. Holiday Cocktails
How pretty!!
Recipe HERE

4. Light Food
How full are those bellies today? So I know you all have leftovers but with the season of gorging upon us now, sometimes you need some lighter fair like this perfect salad.

5. Black Friday Humor
 Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard at these. So true, so true!!!
These next two are my favorites...probably because I am a Hunger Games and Doggy fan!!

 Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday   // High 5 For Friday // Oh Hey, Friday // Five on Friday


  1. I went Black Friday shopping last night and it was madness! I think this might be the year I retire from Black Friday shopping for good (except online of course)! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving love!!

  2. Love the funnies! I am going out today but I never go early. I need a new phone & Verizon has the one I want for $75. I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving. That punch looks so good.

  3. I used to love Black Friday shopping. Lately I am perfectly happy making it a cozy jammy day!

  4. OMG, let's just stay home and drink punch! Spiked, of course!!

    P.S. I did sneak out this afternoon only because my 10 year old was giving me the guilt trip about never going shopping on Black Friday before so we went to Bath and Body to get her cousin an gift and I nearly pulled a Southern-style hissy fit right there in the store!! OMG I was so ready to get out of there!

  5. Love the Black Friday humor :)

  6. My mom and I go out every black friday...but we aren't the crazy people pushing and shoving and camping in lines. We enjoy our dinner and go out late that night. It is not stressful at all because we are more doing it for tradition and enjoying each other's company. Rarely is there ever a big ticket door buster that we are after. More the half off our favorite brands is our speed. We did't have to wait in line today any longer than just a few minutes. If that. It was beautiful! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!!


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