Happy New Week. Yeah, this post isn’t really about the outfit, Although I am majorly crushing on this Summery shade of green. The ruffled eyelet sleeves sealed the deal and that the lace up wedges from Old Navy and Charming Charlie bracelets I already had, made this work so sweetly. Yet, what I want to talk about is envy. Remember I told you on Friday, Love Wins with my Graphic tee. Well, it really does and things like envy and jealously only cause hurt, especially for the person feeling that way.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Green with Envy” or the one about jealousy called “The Green-Eyed Monster.” Envy or jealousy is a negative emotion that surfaces when you compare what you have to what others have. If left unchecked, it’s a good way to make your life miserable. Jealousy can make you feel hard and this type of victim mentality can be damaging to your physical and mental health. Envy can foster distress, lead to resentment, and set us on the road to depression. 

I have always been one of those people who is plum tickled for every great thing coming people's way! I get excited about other people's happiness or excitement. Of course, there have been times in my life here I may have said "Oh I wish I had her hair or boobs!" Or “I wish I had a Bentley." I mean, we all have at some point but that's so silly. No matter how bad we may have it at times, there is always something to be grateful for.

You'll feel better if you are thankful for the blessings and successes of others. Delight in the Joy of those you love and those you don't. It fills my heart to see other's happy and it breaks it when they are not. 

 There was a time in my life years ago where I was in despair but it was love that won in the end and always will if you fill your heart with positivity instead of woe. 

Stay focused, positive, and happy for those who are doing amazing things or having amazing things happen. Because guess what? I bet you are too! You just have to BELIEVE that and recognize the positive and small joys in your life. 

NOW, go Tackle this week with PURE LOVE!!!



  1. What a great reminder, Andrea. You are so right that everyone has something to be grateful for. And so true about people who can't stand to see other people's success, won't experience their own. On another note, I love this green color on you! The ruffle top is so cute and a perfect match for those shoes. Have a great week!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  2. Awesome reminder. Always be grateful for your life! Love the outfit too ;) xoxo

  3. I love your green outfit! And this is a great post. There really is no room in life for envy.

  4. Amen sister! I try to remember the bible verse - Envy is the thief of joy - because it really is and you're right if left unchecked it can cause all sorts of problems. I have decided the only people I'm jealous of are those who can eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce - hahahahaha! You are a vision of loveliness in your green and white my friend - just beautiful!

  5. You are so right! Love is definitely the answer and so is being happy for other people's good fortunes. I think we should look at some of those things as a challenge to do better rather than a reason to stop trying and start sulking! ;-) Of course your outfit is cute as can be!

  6. What a great message Andrea! I personally like the "Love looks through a telescope" :-) Happy Monday!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  7. Envy is definitely one of the worst feelings a person can have! I always like the phrase A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms! Happy Monday girl! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  8. It's funny how some people are more prone to envy than others. When I was a kid, I think I was envious all the time. As an adult I don't usually feel that way. Like you, I just want everyone to be happy. Also as an adult you learn that you really never know what someone else's life is like and that each person has different burdens. We just have to be kind to each other. :)

  9. Such a great message to share! Jealousy can even affect your health if people let it get the best of them...I love celebrating people, too, and like you there have been times when I've wished my life was like someone else's....but then you remember that God has you exactly where He wants you and you take comfort in that!! Love you!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  10. #PREACH

    And I thought this post was going to be all about the outfit! Love you!

  11. LOVE all of these quotes/messages! Especially the very first one--it's so important not to play the comparison game! You look STUNNING in this green shade friend--love that top!

    Rosy Outlook

  12. Gosh, these are words we can all use!! I'm always excited for others too, but there are times in our lives that it's hard not to be a little jealous for one reason or another.
    And this green on you? It's absolutely perfect, Andrea!!

  13. THOSE SHOES!!!! And those words!! Love this post all around, Andrea!

  14. I love everything about this post! Your quotes are awesome and so is that green top! I agree about celebrating others' successes and joys! There are unlimited bounties and good things for everyone!

  15. This is such a true post! It's so much better to lift others up and then you feel lifted! Love love your outfit. Green is such a pretty color!

  16. I love this so much, Andrea! I wrote a post a couple years ago about "comparison being the thief of joy," and it's so true. When we look for what others have instead of what we, ourselves, have, we're bound to be unhappy and less than content. It's a constant change of viewpoint, and it's one I still need to work on!

  17. hon, I can tell just from your writings and getting to know you through blogging ea bit, that you are a kind, big hearted person.I so agree that we should be grateful for things in our life, many are small and should be appreciated. Id rather be a positive person that be negative and angry. You look beautiful in green! I love it with the white jeans.
    jess xx

  18. Such a great message for a Monday morning! It can be hard in our world that is obsessed with social media and living the "curated life" and playing the comparison game. I try to not get tied up in all that and just do me. So many things to be grateful for in our own, everyday lives. But I can want those shoes. Hahaha.

  19. I love the play on words with your outfit - I just love anytime you breakout those green wedges! And the words are just on point. I always love when people do well, too, but there are times when envy creeps in. Just have to count your own blessings!

  20. Amen - I always love that saying that other people's success doesnt take away from yours. Cheer others on & be happy for them.
    Sayingall that - green is my FAV!!! I love it - especially Kelly Green. Those shoes are EVERYTHING!!!

  21. You are truly a golden soul of a human!!! The world (especially today, yikes! ) could really use more people like you in it spreading kind messages like this. :-) We should be happy for others when good things happen to them instead of being jealous. I love hearing about stuff like that. Hope that you have a glorious day today too!!

  22. Love this positivity and your attitude as always! Being happy for others is always the better way. You look so cute in this green.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  23. This is such a great reminder. Envy is the worst and really can eat away at you. I decided to cut way back on Facebook, because I always ended up feeling jealous or left out. Not really a conscious feeling, but more of a general negative feeling after I had been surfing around on FB. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  24. Great reminder, friend! Love that shade on you!

  25. Love green on you! Such a great reminder in this digital age!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  26. That is such a cute outfit but I love the message in there even more!

  27. I love everything about this outfit. The top and shoes matching perfectly.

  28. Love the outfit. Love the message. Thank you, precious one. Hugs, x.

  29. What a great post! We all need to lift each other up and celebrate the wins and love! And that outfit is so cute, you can't beat a flutter sleeve! Have a sweet day sweet friend!

  30. Totally agree with this message. So true! PS love your outfit!

  31. LOVE this reminder, LOVE all this green and LOVE you!! Not only is this totally your color, but this message is such a great reminder for all of us. I know I play the comparison game, it seems pretty much daily for some reason...I blame Instagram! But it's important to be so grateful for all of the blessings we each already have!


  32. Green isn't a color I usually wear, but gosh you look so darn cute in it! I love this green shoes and your sweet smile! Jealousy and envy are two negatives and I do think we all get caught up in it at times. My daughter is only 9 and even at that young age they already start to see some of that in their own circles. I truly does do more harm than good. We just need to work harder towards our own dreams and be happy with all of the blessings we have!


  33. This is such a great message! I will be the first to admit I really struggled with jealously early on during our journey through infertility. It was so hard having my friends announce pregnancies while we were having such a difficult time. Finally I was able to get over it and appreciate the journey for what it was. And be glad that others weren't going through it, too. Jealousy just brings you down!

  34. Well, Im a little envious of how great you look in green. Haha. This is a great post. I have had friends that became so envious of my weight loss, a couple years ago, They stopped coming around. Seriously! I made sure not to gloat and always thought they were beautiful and never thought nothing else about it but a fun time with friends. I dunno. It had to be envy. Oh well. I always loved to see others accomplish things and if I think “man I wish I looked like that” then I will just go make it happen. Now excuse me while I dig around to find a green shirt with cute green shoes!!!

  35. I am green with envy! You look lovely. Happy Summer, Kippi

  36. Such a great reminder! Plus, you look great in that green!

  37. You are so right, Andrea! I'm always happy for others when good things happen for them. Love your green and white outfit. Looks great on you and makes me feel a bit cooler just looking at it! #MakeItPrettyMonday

  38. Love the subject matter of this post, Andrea! Many of us do suffer a little with envy at times – like right now, I'm envious that your new house was built in no time and we haven't even broken ground yet LOL!!! But I am like you, I delight in other people's happiness and especially their success! LOVE the outfit, particularly because green is my absolute favourite colour. You look stunning, as always <3 <3
    Suzy xxx

  39. Such a great reminder my beautiful, friend! Not only do you look fabulous in this outfit but your words are so true. It's so much better to celebrate and be happy for others than being jealous of what they have. I really believe that good things come to those that celebrate with others. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  40. I am envious of your outfit!! Just kidding....not really envious, I just think it is really cute. I have found that as I get older, that envy stuff goes away. I think it has to do with that I am secure in where I am in life, I know it is where I am supposed to be, and I am blessed. I don't really need other people's stuff.... :-) xoxo

  41. This is such an inspirational post and I love it! Positivity always go a long way and I know we all have moments when we wanted something somebody else had. But I am with you, enjoying the small and big successes of our individual lives should be celebrated because it's what makes us who we are and we are all worth celebrating. You look great in green! Those green shoes are oh so pretty! I can stare at them all day long!

    Maureen |

  42. I don't understand jealousy - it's such a waste of energy. There will always be someone with more ... better... etc. So i agree that focusing on your own successes in life is far more healthy. You look really great in your green outfit Andrea xx Maria

  43. Well you look gorgeous in green and I love your positive vibes and message here! You're so can take some extra effort to focus on the positive but it's worth it!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  44. Such a beautiful color on you! You look great!
    Edwige |

  45. Loving this bright shade of green on you!

    I hope you are having a great week so far!


  46. You really a gem with your positivity and loving to see and make people feel happy and loved! Jealousy and envy can really cause a person to build up anger and hate which becomes a scary thing. Continue being a bright star in everyone's lives. xo

  47. Yes you are absolutely right. Envy is a sure-fire way to end up dissatisfied with your own lot and, as you say, can lead to much worse like depression. Plus, you don't know what fights and struggles that other person is dealing with - they may seem like they "have it all" but there will be an awful lot going on under the surface that you know nothing about. Learning to be content is one of the best things we can do for our mental health and well-being.

    And someone really enjoyed this post because they chose to add it to the BlogCrush linky to bring it some extra exposure. So congratulations! Feel free to grab your "I've been featured" blog badge! #blogcrush

  48. Very well said! I like other people's belongings but am very grateful for what I have. I may not be rich or have everything I want but God has blessed me. Pretty blouse, by the way.

  49. Green is your color girl! It looks great on you


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