Happy Happy Friday my sweets. We made it! I bet you all are ready for a fun and relaxing weekend. Speaking of relaxing, this Spring Break Grand Cayman vacation was the most relaxing I have ever had. Many times we go on sight seeing type vacays and I simply adored the "laying by the beach and pool, dinners out" Caribbean vacation. Highly recommended!!! In honor, I thought I would do a Friday Favorites Vacation Edition to showcase NINE of our favorite things about this vacation.
1. Trying to get a Family Photo 
....ugh, I'm squinting, Ugh. too dark, Ugh , hurry, the timer. You get it! We first opted with the above photo in the morning and I adored our colors but we simply couldn't stop squinting, Yes, we are a sensitive eye family. Then in the top photo, we had thrown on our eclectic rainbow of colors and decided to try again but most turned out too dark. My husbands magical editing powers helped and I'll take it!!

2. The Cotton Candy Martini
I showed ya' all in my post Wednesday the cotton candy side, but after our server poured the cocktail part in, it was just as beautiful a color, but even tastier than you can image. Do you think the server will look at me funny when we go to Chili's here in Indiana and I ask for one??

3. Rum Point and the Mudslides
Rum Point is a fun little place to go on the North side of the island where people hang out, swim, water sports, etc. It was a fun jeep ride there and they are known for their frozen concoctions, namely MUDSLIDES. They did not disappoint!

4. Casanova By The Sea
and the Cannoli
This Italian restaurant right on the water in Georgetown was spectacular! The view, the wine, the desserts!!!! The boys were amazed how the waiters snapped the white napkins to lay on our laps. The caprese salad was to die for but the cannoli~out of this world! Great thing about this vacation~every meal we had was amazing!!!

5. Sunset Cruise to Stingray City
We boarded a catamaran and headed out to a sandbar area 4 miles offshore where wild stingrays swim with you. Our sons tried to catch em' but they are slippery little guys. 
Super cool experience and loved cruising back and watching the beautiful sunset.

6. Not Losing THE 6 Pack
Our two oldest boys are both really in to keeping fit and their adored 6 pack abs. 
Nice team work here doing sit-ups in the pool. Our pool time was the BEST!

7. The VIEW from Our Amazing Condo
We really had a beautiful place to stay on the Island's famous Seven Mile Beach. Often we had the whole pool and beach to ourselves. The 4 bedroom condo had everything we could ask for. The boys favorite spot was the media room and mine, the balcony for morning coffee and this beautiful chaise lounge in the master bedroom. Nothing could beat the view and if we ever go back, the Seabreeze it is! HERE

Oh, my husband and kiddos have patiently become my Blog photographers whether they love it or not. I get ready for the day or evening and I'm like, "Oh take a picture of me for the Blog!!! "Another picture?" "It's for the BLOG!!" They really are very good, it's me, the subject, who doesn't always cooperate or has wardrobe malfunctions like not realizing my zipper was down until I saw the pictures. Luckily before dinner I had gone to the bathroom and zipped up still not knowing it had been down. Pic below, it's up! Whew!

We know that one day family vacations for the 5 of us may not be possible and Spring Breaks will be no more. How blessed are we to have enjoyed this trip with our 3 handsome and fun sons. It's really cool to go on vacation with your family, experience new things and see it through their eyes. These memories are priceless and oh, so precious!!

Have an amazing weekend my friends and go make some memories!!


 "Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming!"
 ~Joseph B. Wirthlin




  1. What an amazing vacation! So jealous! And that cotton candy martini looks like the most amazing thing ever... next to that mudslide ;) Have a great weekend!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

    1. That you Pamela!! You're simply the cutest!!! :-)

  2. Your vacation sounds so wonderful - I'm jealous! The martini looks amazing, and I love all the photos of your adorable family!


    1. Jessica, you are the sweetest!!! I adore you and your blog!!!

  3. Looks like you had a blast!! Love your outfits! :)

    xo, Katy

  4. Looks like you all had a great time! That martini looks amazing!

    1. Brittany, it was so yummy and fun. I hope your weekend is simply glorious!!! xo

  5. You have such a beautiful looks like you had an amazing time! XO - Kim

    1. You are beyond sweet my precious friend. Thank you. May your weekend be glorious!!! Xo

  6. Ok you have so made me want to do a beach vacation now! Lovely photos! The photos of you and your family are perfect.

    1. Plan it, book it girl!!! So nice to get away and your words are so sweet and kind!!! Enjoy a fabulous weekend. ;-) xo

  7. Happy Friday! Your beach vacation looks absolutely wonderful!
    xo katie // a touch of teal

    1. It was so fabulous Katie, thanks for commenting and I hope you have an amazing weekend sweetie!!

  8. Fun pictures! It looks like it was an amazing vacation :)

    1. It was absolutely fabulous. Thanks for checking it out sweet lady. Happy happy weekend to ya!!!

  9. Your neon color coordinated family pic is just so fun to look at :)


  10. What a great post and pictures. You made me want to go on vacation. xx

  11. Such a great inspiration! Love the pictures from the beach in particular! I'm longing for a day-trip to the sea now!

    Katarina x

  12. Looks and sounds like you have had a wonderful vacation! Love the stingray pic, I would really like to do that one day! :)

    Away From The Blue

  13. Well, listing down a Friday Favorites Vacation Edition is an interesting and fun way to write about your getaways. Looks like you guys really had a nice time. I think the sunset cruise to sting ray city is such a really a superb way to spend your day. Thanks for sharing your incredible vacation experience with us, Andrea. Have a great day!

    Garrett Newman @ Branson Regal


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