My first experience with Bourbon Chicken was at the mall several years ago. After a long, feet now tired, day of shopping, I was on my way out the door via the food court. A petite Asian lady caught my eye with her gleaming yellow tray and the hoards of people flocking to it. I was a little curious what was in the small paper cups and after the 3rd. "You take sample, You take sample, You take sample!!", I grabbed one and put a nugget of chicken into my mouth. Ba-am!! "What IS this," I asked her? Eyes Sparking she said "Bourbon Chicken, Bourbon chicken $7.95 with fried rice! Racing to the line I said "Bourbon Chicken please with fried rice" and it was shoveled into the white Styrofoam container. As I walked to me car, I was overwhelmed by the aroma. No way was I waiting 45 minutes after my commute home to eat this goodness. After all, I had shopped all day, I needed my fuel. So in my car, I was in love with this Bourbon chicken but I knew it needed to be less all the artificial crap. Immediately, I thought how can I make this at home and
Wha La,
Better than Restaurant Bourbon Chicken!!!
was born!

The "Food Court" Bourbon Chicken


  • 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
  • 1 -2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tsp. minced garlic
  • 14 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 34 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1⁄3 cup apple juice
  • 13 cup light brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
  • 1⁄3 cup water mixed with 1/4 tsp. cornstarch
  • 13 cup soy sauce
 (Note, I often double the sauce, for us, the more sauce, the better)

  1. Heat oil in a large skillet.
  2. Add chicken pieces and cook until lightly browned.
  3. Remove chicken.
  4. Add remaining ingredients, heating over medium Heat until well mixed and dissolved.
  5. Add chicken and bring to a hard boil.
  6. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. Serve over hot white or brown rice and ENJOY.

 "Love, like a chicken salad a restaurant has, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor” 
- Helen Rowland


  1. with a title like that, i've got to try it! thank you so much for your comments on yesterday's post. your words are a comfort. xo

    1. You're welcome sweetie!! We all love ya!!! Have a super day!! :)

  2. Oooooh now you made me hungry for chicken wings. ;) lol.
    Have a beautiful day my friend!

  3. Yum! I'm a sucker for food court Chinese I will have to try! So much healthier I'm sure

    1. Thanks Brittany. Yes, it makes me feel better eating this healthier version but I must admit, after a day of shopping I still get the food court stuff! :-) Have a great day my dear!!!

  4. My fiance is going to love you for posting this. I'm always trying to get him to eat something healthier than mall Chinese, and this might be it!

  5. Yummm I am so going to have to make this! It looks delicious, thanks for sharing :)

  6. Ooh this looks A-maze-ing! I think I might make it tomorrow! #foodpornthursdays

  7. This looks so good! Definitely something we will be trying soon! Bourbon chicken is one of my faves!

  8. This sounds amazing, my hubby would demolish this! This is getting pinned ready to try out next week :) #FoodPornThursdays

    Gym Bunny Mummy | Bloglovin’ | Facebook

  9. This looks so yummy! I am all about making "restaurant" food at home! That way I know where all the ingredients came from. Thanks so much for sharing again with #foodpornthursdays. And thank you so much for the links to our blogs in your post. You are rocking' with the #bloggerlove.

  10. This looks gorgeous!! Thanks so much for linking up this tasty recipe with #foodpornthursdays

  11. Sounds delicious! Will be trying this!

  12. Anonymous1.2.24

    Is there bourbon in the recipe


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