Motivation abounds, doesn’t it? After the first of the year, it’s everywhere you turn. I do truly feel we should be motivating everyone every single day. However, if a fresh new year gets everybody in a positive, move forward mindset, then so be it.


Do you make resolutions? Do you choose a word of the year as your mantra? I used to. And I guess in a way, you could say I chose two words this year those being letting go. But this is about all the things I’m letting go of in 2024. I shared a synopsis of it on an Instagram Reel last week, but I thought it made for a good post as I know many of you stated you could resonate with it.

While I didn’t go into detail on Instagram. I will go into a little bit more depth here. And before I get to that, I will say I kind of have a motto for the year.


Less Tears and Fears in the New Year!

I cried A LOT last year! I’m an emotional person anyway, but coupled that with that crazy menopause, (I’ll get part two of my menopause journey in a few weeks), along with just some hard “stuff” and the water works flowed often. I’m not saying it’s wrong to cry, just the opposite, getting out your emotions with tears is healthy. But there comes a point where it’s like you’re crying over spilt milk, you know what I mean? There are so many things that we can’t change, and I think smiles are so much more enjoyable than tears. And the fears have got to go!


As for the things I’m letting Go of. Here’s the List:


-Joy Stealers

No explanation here, never let anything or anyone steal your JOY!


I have been on a mission this month to purge, purge, purge. I’m never as good at it as I want to be, but each day this month I’m working on some aspect of our home whether it’s a closet or a drawer. I haven’t made it every day, but when I do Declutter an area, and it feels good!



I don’t just mean people and friends. Already rid of a couple last year. I’m also talking about the toxic stuff we put into our bodies and in our homes and pollutants we surround ourselves with. Even a toxic mindset is detrimental. Just trying to be cleaner.


-People Pleasing

I think many of us can say we’ve been here. We do do do do do but no one ever seems to check in on us or asks us what we need.


-Mindless Scrolling/Mindless Media in all forms

Oh, my goodness where do I even begin? I will do an entire post on how much social media is hurting us, including the scrolling, the mindless scrolling. Studies have shown that instead of scrolling when you wake up, you should do something relaxing for your brain like deep breathing, or stretching, or just lying there and that those things get your day off to a much better start. It literally is harmful to your brain to scroll. Social media is a wasteful time suck. For all the helpful things we find, I guarantee you there is way more useless stuff that we are seeing while we could be spending our time doing things we love and with those we love. NOW some people LOVE social media and that's ok too; I happen to imagine it's a minority, but remember it's what YOU WANT in your life, no one else has that power. BUT the power it has over us is indeed scary....

-Self Absorbed People

That’s another one of the sad parts of social media. This is where I’ve seen many people emerge from not to mention what’s happened to many the past few years just in our world and in life. Have a heart for others! It's not about YOU!



No explanation needed, if I never used to do it, why should I start now just because of that stupid social media and societies notions of how things should be!?


-Rest when my body needs to rest

Do it, you need it!

-Mean Girls in Midlife

Ugh! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would’ve had to deal with this middle school mentality again in midlife! How pitiful! Just stop ladies! Side note, I am excited to see the musical reboot of this movie, lol.


-Worry oh the Worry

I know, worrying is just plain wrong and pointless and I will try to do better!

-Keeping too much sugar around

If it’s in the house, I eat it, you know what I’m saying, lol.

-Pretending aging is awesome (it’s really not, lol)

I’m working on entire post about how hard aging is. Someone took it the wrong way on my Instagram. Aging is indeed a privilege and can be joyous at times and in many ways, there are things that are so much better but aging is downright HARD and 99% of you could relate so I will expand in a future post.

One last Letting go tidbit: This quote is a tough pill to swallow if you’ve been there, are there or will be there. I think many of us can relate and it hurts to the core when you care so much but others don't reciprocate. It could just mean they fail to realize how much you want and need them of it could be there is that lack of care on their end. Man that stings when you adore someone so much. They don't realize what they're missing do they; the love, care, laughs, loyalty and fun you have to offer!


Last year I told you I would be bringing more meaningful posts, I’ve even done away with weekly fashion posts, instead, sharing the clothing or outfits I love on Friday Favorites or an occasional dedicated post, but I feel like I didn’t bring enough meat in 2023. Believe me, I have so many post drafts that I created last year that I will finally push the publish button on. 

There's your dose of Monday Motivation, lol!


Let me know how you’re looking at 2024. 
What are you letting go of?


  1. I enjoyed reading this post so much! I am here for the meaningful posts (and a cute blazer/top/boots etc. and plenty of baby pics- you know what I mean!). I look forward to reading posts from you on a variety of subjects. The ones you mentioned sound intriguing and yes to what you said about aging! It´s a paradox because it is such a privilege but whyyyyy does it have to come with bumps, lumps, sagging skin, varicose veins, forgetfulness etc? Have a great Monday, friend!

  2. This was AWESOME- thank you so much for sharing- YES to less tears and less worry this year AND yes I am still stumped by "mean girls" at our age- just crazy XO

  3. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts. I applaud you on all the realness here and it's inspiring me big time. I look forward to your second post on menopause because it's been a shit show for me on my end. Seeing a third doctor very soon on controlling my symptoms. Love you my friend! XO


  4. Letting go is a good theme for the year. I am working on a less is more mindset this year. Here's hoping we can both follow through!

  5. Yes to all of this! I think it's important to acknowledge that we are all struggling with these things. You may look at a blog and think that person is just so happy, but behind the scenes there are struggles that can't be shared on the internet.
    Thank you for sharing!

  6. This is a very raw and authentic post, thank you. Sounds like those two little words are very timely in your life right now and I hope they serve you right until they are no longer needed. In the past I've chosen a word, or rather had a word choose me but nothing has surfaced this year so I went with my more traditional style of thinking about what / who I want to invest time into. Mean girls, mean people, are such a draining part of life and I get so overwhelmed by carrying other peoples opinions around. Although it's gotten 100% better as I've grown older it still can suck you in. Surrounding myself with people that lift me up is always the answer but sometimes it takes a little time to weed some of the people out, and social media is like that too. Know I am cheering you on, through the positive and some less positive things and everything in between!


  7. I loved reading this today! I especially loved the quote about not forcing others to care...that one resonated with me, since I struggled in some close relationships last year. I am still struggling in them, but I'm not obsessing about it anymore; instead, I am praying for the situation and the person. That's so much more important than me reliving each and every hurtful word! I also want to bring more "meat" to my blog this year; I didn't say that to anyone or in a post, but I've already scheduled some of those times into my blog calendar. Thanks for sharing your heart!

  8. I really need to do more decluttering but I lack motivation. I hope you are able to let go of everything you want to!

  9. I'm with you on the letting go of the sugar part, thats always been the toughest for me. I seriously struggle with it on the daily. But I'm really going to try this year to CUT. IT. OUT.! Looking forward to the new direction of your blog in 2024!



  10. Anonymous15.1.24

    Ugh, it sounds like you've had a rough year and I don't blame you for making changes. Sometimes we have to do what is right for us, even if it isn't the norm (ie: being a blogger yet not wanting to be on IG all the time or being wrapped up in the comparison game). I agree that getting older is tough and it doesn't help that I get doctor anxiety or get called back EVERY time I get a mammo (yes, every year!). I think everyone tries to focus on the good parts of aging, because doing the alternative is just depressing... and who wants to go there? I've been doing these Calm meditations and I love them, because they tell me to be in the present and to not focus on the past/future so much. It's an App and I do it 15 min a day. I love your blog and I'm excited to see what you post with these new topics. Oh, and decluttering is like my favorite thing. It feels so good to have less!


  11. Anonymous15.1.24

    I love this! I'm looking forward to all of your upcoming posts. They shouldn't have to fit a certain formula to hit publish. I'm so sad to read about the mean girls issues. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  12. Anonymous15.1.24

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I definitely need to let go of some the same things that you mentioned. You are a beautiful, unicorn of a person and I love you my friend! Xo, Caroline

  13. Anonymous15.1.24

    Since we are moving, I started decluttering, a little, and it does feel good.
    I'm that person that took aging is hard the wrong way. I guess it was the word pretending, because I think our attitude is such a huge factor.
    And in all reality, I'd never want to go back to my previous years...an abusive marriage, being a boss, not having as much self confidence. I feel like I've learned so much in these last years.
    But I am excited to read your thoughts. It would be a great discussion!!!
    Love ya,
    (I don't know why it keep signing me in as anonymous, but it won't let me sign in through Google)

  14. Anonymous16.1.24

    Good morning! I don't comment much, but wanted you to know that I love the direction your blog is going. I'm around the same age as you and can relate to all of this. Lots of changes in my life coming up in 2024, personally and professionally. My word for the year is gentle. I will get through them, but I'll be gentle with myself when necessary and give myself grace. Thanks again. Here for all of the deep talk!

  15. Looking forward to reading more. This year, with having to do more with my mother in law (she lives with us), I have been asking for help. Her kids may not understand but being able to leave the house without feeling teethered to it is bringing back my sanity. Not sure what the year will bring but December and beginning of January were not fun and very overwhelming.

  16. I can resonate with so many of these. Getting rid of clutter and toxicity is on the top of my list. I'm all about aging gracefully but agree, aging is also very hard sometimes. Looking forward to your content this year friend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  17. Great post! So many things get in the way of a healthy, rewarding, purposeful life, this is an excellent list.

  18. Joyce16.1.24

    I loved this post I agree with everything you said I thought I was being mean when I let go of some people, they are in the garbage can now I am from Indiana live in Vegas now your post is truly a person from Indiana post a Midwest girl it is heart breaking when you find out who you really cared about really didn't care at all yes I have been there and finally let go of them and I still care but will never care about them the same way again thank you for posting this I guess I just had to see that someone else had the same feelings as I did.

  19. Joyce16.1.24

    I want your opinion. Andrea, I have a brother that called me and asked how my husband Joe was doing he has cancer then he said is he still alive well that took me back a little bit. I could not believe he said something so hurtful. That was before Christmas I have not talked to him since now, I think he is mean and hateful with that comment and really do not know how to handle it .so I cried I am an emotional person too I wish I wasn't but I am.

  20. Anonymous16.1.24

    I love this perspective! We all need to let go of the negative things!

  21. SISTER FRIEND... I am reading through this & going YEP - YEP - OHHHH YESSSS... I honestly think a lot of this comes with menopause - I listen to SO MANY PODCASTS on the issue & so many of them talk about how the changes in your hormones actually make you not give cares like you used to on people pleasing & more on taking care of yourself & this is what its all about - getting rid of the things that dont serve you & drain you.... I'm here for it- we are on such a similar journey in this area. & yep, menopause has been kicking my rear for the past year (peri for years before) - its so tough being a woman!!!

  22. Todo cambio de año significa proponernos ser mejores personas cada día, tener empatía, también soy muy emocional y mis hijas me dicen que soy un drama, pero siento que necesitamos más abrazos cada día. Leo y sigo mucho a una Psiquiatra Marian Rojas Estape....me ha ayudado mucho y trato de controlar más mis emociones, a nosotras las mujeres se nos pide ser mujeres empoderadas y fuertes...a veces también hay que soltar cargas...es díficil pero se puede...Saludos...También estoy en menopausia...pero el ejercicio, agua, comida saludable ayuda a desinflamarnos también....Abrazos

  23. This was a great post and some of them I want to concentrate on for 2024. I need to organize some areas of my house, eat less sugar since the holidays are over, and yes, try to scroll less on social media.

  24. I love posts like this so much! All of this is so true! It's so hard to let go of things - materially, mentally, emotionally, etc. and I struggle with this daily. This post was such a great reminder to practive the art of letting go a little harder this year.

  25. I am working on decluttering! I love this post! Thank you for sharing!

  26. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Andrea! I loved your reel on what you're letting go of, and so happy you put together this post. I can relate to so many of these, it can be so difficult to navigate through toxic relationships, social media, and all sorts of other things! I feel for you that you've dealt with mean girls, you are truly one of the kindest people ever and I'm grateful to know you over here in the blogosphere! :) You deserve ALL the good things, my dear friend, and praying you have a fantastic 2024!

    Make Life Marvelous


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