Ahhh My friends, are you ready to get your great pumpkin on? Today begins the beloved Pumpkin Palooza 2.0. Today and for the next two Tuesdays, I will feature some of my own delicious pumpkin concoctions. Yum  

Over at The Blended Blog, I am featuring all my recipes from last year's Pumpkin Palooza. Three unique and Fabulous recipes for the Fall at all my fellow pumpkin lovers delight. My dear friend Amanda, who's posting a little Pumpkin Palooza of her own today, even hosts a Pumpkin Palooza Fall Party every year!!! Makes me want to fly right down to North Carolina and see my lil sis!!

So, first up we have The Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Muffins! Let me tell you how this recipe came about. During my early 4-H years, one of the categories I was always entered in was Foods. Imagine that? Anyway, during year two, the request of food had to be a muffin. My mom and I found a recipe for these amazing Yam muffins and they were a blue ribbon winner! Enter in a few years later in six grade when I knew I had to do something to soften the stern Home-Ec teacher. The first thing tackled in that class with Baking so I decided to bring her some of my delicious Yam muffins. She loved them, requested the recipe for the whole class and from that day on, I was one of her pets! LOL!

Another favorite thing to bake growing up was snickerdoodles, my mom made the best! So as I was I was reminiscing about these two things, the Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Muffins were born! All I did was substitute pumpkin for the canned Yams in the recipe. Wa-La!

Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Muffins
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup white sugar + 1 Tbsp. 
2 tsp. Baking powder 
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Cinnamon, divided
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
1/2 cup whole milk or buttermilk
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 cup pumpkin purée
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 400°. Grease the bottoms of a 12 medium muffin pan. In a small bowl, mix the 1 Tbsp sugar and a 1/2 tsp of the cinnamon, set aside. In a liquid measuring cup break the egg and add enough milk to equal a half cup, then add the vanilla, stir well. Pour into a medium mixing bowl and add all the remaining ingredients. Mix until the flour is just moistened. The batter should be lumpy. Fill the muffin cups 2/3 full and sprinkle each with a 1/4 teaspoon of the cinnamon sugar mixture. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes. Immediately remove from the pan.

AND In case you missed it, yesterday, I posted my 



  1. Oh my heavens. Those sound so good!

  2. Yum, yum, yum, yum. Give me the cinnamon mixed with pumpkin any day of any week. I just heard a news report that the reason pumpkin spice is so popular is because it releases a channel of nostalgia in the brain - this post pretty much sums that research up! XO babe!

  3. I don't love pumpkin but I do love snickerdoodle!!

  4. Another delicious recipe to try, we love snickerdoodles! You are so enterprising, winning over your Home Ec teacher with a winning recipe - way to go, girl!

  5. They look amazing!!! What a great way to kick off a fall morning and if they won over the home ec teacher, they have to be good!

  6. Ugly cupcakes, lololol! You had me at pumpkin. These sound SO good friend.

  7. These look so yummy!!! And I don't even like pumpkin stuff!!

  8. Oh yummmm- what a great combo! I have to try these!!

  9. So I found a recipe for pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies that I've made a few times and everybody loves them and says that they'd be great with coffee. I definitely need to make these pumpkin snickerdoodle muffins because I think that everybody would be super obsessed with them! They just sound and look so delicious!

  10. Seriously?? I'm coming over. When one is not much of a baker, but loves homemade pumpkin goods, one must visit friends who bake. ;)

  11. It's time for all things pumpkin isn't it?! Delicious recipe...thanks so much!

  12. Mmmm. These look delicious! Love that the came from your 4H days. I want to make these with my kids.


  13. These sound divine and so festive! Maybe if I make these...it will keep me away from the pumpkin scones at starbucks? Ha, who am I kidding...I would have both!

  14. These sound like a muffin I need in my life, so yummy!

  15. Yay for all the pumpkin! I'm definitely going to have to give these a try. Pumpkin and snickerdoodles are two of my favorite flavors. I wish I had one of these right now with my coffee! Happy Tuesday, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  16. Pumpkin and snickerdoodle?! I'm sold! We are a muffin loving family over here and I'm sure the boys would eat these up. Beautifully Candid

  17. Oooh, pumpkin AND snickerdoodle?! SO YUMMY!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  18. Oh wow... you had me at snickerdoodle.
    All I keep thinking about is how magical that bowl would be to lick. :)

  19. Omg these sound so yummy! Perfect for fall!


  20. This recipe brings back sweet memories for me. There's a tavern in Williamsburg, VA that has "famous" Sweet Potato muffins. My mom and her best friend (who passed away in 1997) would go every year at the holidays and eat there. They loved these muffins and mom managed to sweet talk them into giving her the recipe. We would have them only at the holidays. I'm going to have to look it up and compare. They look so similar and know this little concoction of yours is delish. Pumpkin Palooza lives!!!! XOXO

  21. Pumpkin + snickerdoodle in a muffin form! What?! This sounds amazing!

  22. Lordy lordy these sound amazing! You know my love for pumpkin runs DEEP, girl. I'm pinning these now!

  23. omg!!! I am totally making these for my colleagues next week! FOR sure! They look divine! I love that you were in 4-H -- adorable!

  24. These look so yummy!I love pumpkin anything!

  25. Yumm!! Someone brought in pumpkin cupcakes at the office but they are store bought and do not look nearly delicious as your recipe!!

  26. I still have so much pumpkin to go through- will have to try these out

  27. Oh, yummy! Those muffins look really good :)

  28. Oh, I will be making these for sure and with buttermilk! Thanks for sharing dearie!

  29. These look yummy! Sent the recipe to my Texas daughter who loves snickerdoodles and pumpkin. Ugly cucakes, indeed! I think it is wonderful that you were in involved in 4H and home economics classes. You and your family are benefiting from that training (as well as your blog followers). Those skills stay with you all your life. xoxo

  30. Yum Yum Yum! I mean just look at that gorgeous pumpkin color! Need to make these soon!

  31. yum! these look lovely! I am going to give them a try for sure #brillblogposts

  32. These look so delicious. Thank you for sharing. x #Brillblogposts

  33. Wow - those sound delicious! I grow butternut squash instead of pumpkin in most recipes because I grow my own, so mine will be butternut snickerdoodle muffins. Mmmmmm, with a cup of pumpkin spice coffee, this would make a wonderful breakfast! Thank you so much for sharing. Yum!

  34. I'm not sure if I'm ready to embrace Fall yet but these muffins just might convince me too. They look delicious!

  35. Yes please I can smell them all the way over here!

  36. We will love your Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Muffins! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  37. I would love to try these pumpkin snickerdoodle muffins

  38. I love pumpkin anything, can't wait to try. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty!

  39. My family loves all kinds of muffins, so I'm sure they will love these!

  40. These muffins sound so good. Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J. :)

  41. We are so glad you share your delicious recipes with us at Merry Monday! See ya next week! Enjoy your weekend.

  42. Wow these sound absolutely delicious! Pumpkin is one of my favorite foods to add to add to baked goods. Visiting from Simple Homestead Blog Hop! Tweeted!

  43. Pumpkin AND snickerdoodle? This looks so good! I'd be honored if you shared it at our What's for Dinner party - http://www.lazygastronome.com/whats-for-dinner-sunday-link-up-162/

  44. Oh my gosh, this sounds amazing! I love pumpkin muffins and have a few favorite recipes on my blog. But I've never ever seen pumpkin snickerdoodle muffins, so they could easily become my favorite! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!

  45. Yes please anything pumpkin! Great recipe thanks for sharing, Kippi

  46. Anonymous7.10.18

    Pumpkin muffins are a favorite at our house for breakfast. I can't wait to try your recipe. I'll be featuring it tonight at Merry Monday.

  47. I love this recipe!!! Just pinned it!
    Happy Fall,

  48. I love pumpkin muffins and these look delicious! I found you on You're the Star and I'd love to have you share your posts on Farm Fresh Tuesdays!

  49. Oh I have to try these asap! Snickerdoodle cupcakes sound so good right now :D Perfect in the morn with a cup of coffee ^_^


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