2016 GOALS

I've never been a resolution maker and in all actuality, New Years is my least favorite time of year. Depressed the holidays are over, yucky weather, back to better eating and hitting workouts harder. However, what it does offer is a fresh start and what kind of girl am I? A Type A list maker!!! Goals are important for a person like me who, while occasionally can go by the seat of my pants, could never live like that on a daily basis. I need structure, things to look forward to and things to conquer and accomplish. I need things to believe in and I want to live life to the fullest. There are overarching themes that I cannot ignore so Here's the 9 categories I'll be working on in 2016.
Let's Talk NEW YEAR!!

Hubby and I toasted to it all on NYE!!

Basically to continue to love on one another because the older they get, the years take them to a little more independence and not wanting to be with mom and dad as much. We're gonna make the most of the time we have. So when there are not around, hubby and I are gonna do the same. Maybe some more day dates or a spontaneous trip!!

Nice segway to travel huh!! How sweet is this, on NYE, Mr. 9 looked up flights and we were going to take a last minute trip, like leave the next day, to Park City Utah or the Caribbean. Yep, those are the things I want to do. Even if it's just a quick day trip, to go somewhere we've never been and enjoy new sights, tastes and experiences together!!

Conscious Minimalism 
I've been wanting to declutter and reorganize for a while now and while I am fairly organized, many drawers and closet's got a little haywire around here! It's time for my organizational skills to come into play and that may mean several trips to Target for organizational type materials like bins, containers, labels, you get the picture.

Huge Garage Sale
Speaking of decluttering and organizing, much of that will include throwing things in boxes and pricing them for my big ole May garage sale! I have had a garage sale every other year for 20 years and it's always a huge hit! While it is a lot of work, it actually is a lot of fun talking with all the people that come, not to mention a great feeling of getting rid of all that stuff! Almost everything usually sells, but what doesn't gets boxed up for Goodwill and doesn't come back in the house. 

Compliment Someone Everyday
I feel this is so important. Think about it, when someone compliments you, don't you smile on the outside and on the inside. You take pride in the things you love. In this crazy world, it is so important and vital to make others feel good about themselves. The better we all feel, the nicer we'll all be to one another. 

Being More Assertive
This is tough, but I need to speak of for myself more. When someone is doing the wrong thing to me or I see it happening to someone else, by golly they are going to know it is not right. treat one another the way you would wish to be treated, right!!

Save More Mula
Really no explanation needed here, two boys in college, yeah, you better believe I'm going to be saving a lot more mula and probably not buying as many shoes, LOL. You like that statement honey?

Not to Cry
Not to cry at prom, not to cry the last day of school, not to cry at Senior night, not to cry at graduation, not to cry at the open house, and not to cry pretty much every.single.day until college move-in. However, I know those tears are going to flow, I'm an emotional person and basically those tears to me, are tears of love and emotion from all these years. My goal is basically to restrain myself from getting too emotional because I want the kids to know that I believe in them and their strength to make it on their own.

Don't care that much about stats, but what I do care about are the people I've come to know. So, I want to continue those relationships, meet even more people and maybe even meet some of ya all in person. Those big ole' blogger get aways always sound so fun. And oh, I would like to learn to take my own pictures on a timer with the Cannon, lol.

Totally attainable, right!!
Yep, Mantra for 2016: Tomorrow is a Brand New Day

and make sure to join Andrea and friends over at Momfessionals for her Let's Talk Series

I'd love to hear what goals all my blogging pals are striving for too! After all, we're in this together and everyone needs a little reminder of that and encouragement now and then.

Linking up with Biana // Totally Terrific Tuesday // Show and Tell Tuesday // Creative Muster Party  // Wow Us Wednesdays
Wonderful Wednesday's Blog Hop // Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Great goals!!! Have a wonderful day. :)

  2. I don't know how you plan on not crying because those are happy tears :) So let them flow! I love all your goals - especially to travel more, seeing new places is the absolute best!!! Seeing them with your husband and best friend is even better!! Happy Monday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I'm a type A, list maker too.. But oddly enough I'm not into setting goals for myself! Your list gave me some motivation to maybe put something to here for 2016. Though my life goal is to always travel more!!
    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  4. I like your thinking. :)

  5. Love these and your sweet way of communicating. A few of my goals are very similar so I hope we can be an encouragement to one another. So glad we met in 2015. Have a beautiful day...just like you!

  6. I love your goals--your trip will be so fun! Traveling is definitely on my list too and maybe I should add not crying. I cried during an Apple commercial the other day...so needless to say I might be a little emotional! Happy Monday love!!


  7. I'm a bawl baby too but it's mostly for good reasons:) I love the complimenting someone everyday goal! I might try doing that too!

  8. I have always been an emotional person so don't feel bad. Those are all great resolutions too. I hope that you enjoyed your weekend and had a fun NYE. Cheers to 2016! :-)

  9. Great goals and I have no doubt you can accomplish them! I also need to de-clutter and organize my closets/drawers, they're a mess right now! Also, I really love what you said about complimenting someone every day. I love this idea and it is so nice when one's kindness makes someone's day. Have a wonderful week! :)

  10. Those are some great goals - I especially love the spontaneous trips! I've ALWAYS wanted to do that someday. And the minimalism ... I've been trying to do that too! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2016!!!

  11. This is a great list, Andrea! I love the "be more assertive" - I need to add that to my list! Have a wonderful Monday and Happy 2016!

    Xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  12. My little BLONDE Scarlett O'Hara friend! Love your motto! "Tomorrow is anotha day!" I hope I can encourage you in your goals for 2016! Your goal about giving someone a compliment every day is my favorite and is on point with my word of the year! Have an awesome Monday, Andrea!

  13. haha Loving this compiled list! You always get me so inspired! Wishing you an amazing Monday!

  14. Awesome goals, and I can't wait to hear where you guys choose for a spontaneous trip! Cheers to a fabulous week and 2016 <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. What AMAZING goals. I started cleaning out closets over the weekend- it's made me really take a look and realize I don't need THINGS, I need experiences. Yes, I love to shop but I need to make sure I'm making smart purchases and not waste so much money sometimes. I LOVE spontaneous travel and can't wait to see where the year takes you! I am such an emotional person too, and I cry watching movies, TV, reading emotional stories...I love that you want to show them that you believe in them and for that reason hold back the tears, SO sweet. 2016 is going to be a good year! XO!

  16. Happy 2016, Andrea! Great goals! Family and Travel are on my list as well! And I love connecting with all of you too! Blogging has been so fun and I am so glad we connected! Hope to meet you in person one day! You are one of the sweetest people I know here! Thanks for being such a ray of light and I can't wait to see what 2016 holds for you and your family! Much love!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  17. I like your goals!

    My main goal for 2016 is to find something good in every day and really focus on that. 2015 was a tough year for me, and I feel I became an adult (in my mid-40s...). I sometimes let the bad overshadow everything else, but I'm realizing that that's obviously not a good way to live. So my focus is on the positive!

    Let's make it a great year! :-)

  18. Such a great list for 2016 and very attainable, well maybe not the crying one, at least not 100% of the time but at least you can make a conscious effort. I hope you and your husband organize more dates together this year and hopefully travel somewhere unique and fun!

  19. Such a real and beautiful first post of the new year. I love the "compliment someone each day" goal. It's a great idea, and I'm going to try it now too, so thanks for the inspiration:) Happy New Year, my friend...wishing you the best year ahead!! -xo



  20. Such a real and beautiful first post of the new year. I love the "compliment someone each day" goal. It's a great idea, and I'm going to try it now too, so thanks for the inspiration:) Happy New Year, my friend...wishing you the best year ahead!! -xo



  21. a last minute random trip sounds like so so much fun!!!
    You're great at compliments, I swear, every time you comment on my blog you have something so sweet to say, so you've already got that down!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  22. I love your goals, and your mantra for 2016 is perfect.

  23. Great list! Although, I say cry all you want!! You earned it as their mama! I really need to work on conscious minimalism too. It's just so hard because I love to shop and am a total impulse buyer!

  24. These are all great goals! I can definitely relate with organizing my drawers/closet. AND I love that you have a big garage sale. We used to do them growing up and it was always so fun!

  25. Happy New Year! I'm hoping for some more travels in 2016 too. And I've never met a list I didn't love, so I'm right there with you with a good new years list! xoxo

  26. Andrea, you are amazing, and I love your goals! I might steal a few of them :). I feel like I'm going to spend the whole year crying, but I don't want the boys to worry about me, so I'll try to buck up! We might have to lean on each other!

  27. What great goals! Luckily I have a few years before the college tears, but thinking about it makes me a little queasy!

  28. Great goals!!! Traveling is always a good idea. Happy New Year darling.

  29. Those are all really great goals. The "not to cry" made me tear up. Maybe not be so emotional all the time is something I should work on...

  30. I love so many of your goals so this may be all over the place...
    1. I'm so glad to know other people's closets get "haywire" because mine always do no matter how hard I work to keep them in order. Or maybe that's the problem... I don't work hard enough?
    2. Yay for last minute travel!
    3. This may be the hormones talking... but cry at all those events!! They're special times that only come around once.
    4. I'm pretty sure you do compliment someone every day. You're one of the sweetest people ever!
    5. Good luck not buying as many shoes ;)

  31. Anonymous5.1.16

    Love these...and being a better photographer is ALWAYS on my list:)

  32. These are amazing goals.
    Loved getting to know you more!
    I am still working on my goals!

  33. Your choice of quotes, agree, couldn't have said it better myself. Here's wishing you success and joy this coming year.

  34. Hi! Visiting from Tuesday Talk. My main goal last year was decluttering and pursuing minimalism. This year I'm really seeking to maintain and declutter even further. My monthly goals are posted on my blog - I'd love for you to come by and take a look!

  35. I love, love, love this! I love that you chose to compliment another every day....we often think such nice things but actually acting on telling someone can be a game changer for them...and you! Ugh...I totally have to put a big hault on shopping this year and it's my biggest vice. I agree...it's great to know people are reading my blog but I love the connections I've made along the way. It would be so fun to meet some of my blogger friends in person! Wishing you the best in 2016!

  36. GREAT goals!!! I'm slowly becoming more and more emotional as a mom, so I completely understand the not crying one! I'm going to have trouble with all of those!! Thanks for joining our link up!

  37. great goals! cant wait to keep up with your blog! its super cute! hope you'll drop by mine as well :)


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