
20 December 2024


Happy last Friday before Christmas. How is it 5 more sleeps? Ahh how I love Christmas, but I think even more I just love the entire season! The lead up, the build up, the festive fun and I get so sad when it’s over.


But the fat lady hasn't it sung yet lol and by fat lady, I mean ME eating all the Christmas treats, lol! Let’s enjoy these last few days my friends! And this mama is over the moon because I get every single member of my family here on Christmas Day and I am going to relish every second! It’s going to be extra fun with the twins this year and they sure do love wrapping paper, lol!

Our Annual matching Outfits Pic...

So let’s talk about the Snow Globe Cookies! I was so excited to make these and they are cute, but they just didn’t turn out as perfectly or as easily as I had hoped, lol but I’m still going to share the ingredients needed and how to make them. I was going to do a dedicated post on them but I didn't feel they were 'aesthetically perfect' enough so I'll just throw em' here as a Friday Fav.

They were a hit with everyone I gave them to though. 

Here is what you'll need. 

Simply dip the Oreo's in melted white candy melts, transfer to wax paper then place a candy in center and sprinkle with sparkling sugar. Let harden and attach to upside down Reese's miniature with a little frosting, Store in airtight continuer up to 2 weeks. 

And this year, I did a dozen Cookie/Candy trays. I made way more cookies than what I thought I would (9 varieties), but I spread it out by making a few batches every weekend leading up that could be frozen. And I made 6 batches of my Sweepstakes Peanut Butter Fudge.

Love spreading cheer by delivering them.

Wishing you all a healthy and happy remainder of the year, I hope you have a cozy blanket, lots of love and warm drinks. Feel your emotions and do what you need to do. I hope you give to others, that you delight in the Christmas season, that your heart finds peace if you are in pain or not with loved ones and that you find light and hope in celebrating 

the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! 

I keep my Family private for the most part now but here are the Twins...because they're the 

BEST part of my heart.....and oh the JOY they bring so many.

Cheers to you, Cheers to our King and Cheers to facing the New Year with a renewed perspective. May 2025 be soooo much better than 2024. 


Love and Hugs to you all.

Have a festive weekend sweet Friends!!

Linking up with Momfessionals and Between Naps on The Porch // Thursday Fashion Files // I Do deClaire // Hello Monday



  1. Your granddaughters are so precious and sweet! These cookies look so delicious. Thanks for sharing and have a Merry Christmas my friend!

  2. Those snowglobe cookies are so fun! Love seeing the pics of the girls! They are absolutely adorable!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  3. The girls are getting so big!! And the snow globe cookies are darling. They don't have to be perfect... nothing really is. Have a very merry Christmas!

  4. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. How fab you have everyone with you this year.
    Those cookies are so cute! What a great idea!

  5. Merry Christmas! I just love the matching outfits and of course, the twins are darling!

  6. The cookies look great and the girls are so big! Merry Christmas to you all.

  7. Christmas perfection!! The snowglobe cookies are so cute. I was thinking that you can purchase Oreos covered in white chocolate... but then it would be harder to attach the sugar crystals to them. Your matching outfits are amazing and your baking is inspirational. Enjoy Christmas with your beautiful family!

  8. Those cookies look fabulous; as do you and Mr. Nine! The twins are getting so big. They are just darling.

  9. Oh, those cookies are SO cute - on my list for next year! Enjoy your holidays with your family and those adorable little girls. Merry Christmas!

  10. Jodie's Touch of Style20.12.24

    Talk about the best blessings. Have a fabulous Merry Christmas,

  11. Anonymous20.12.24

    Those cookies are SO cute and look so yummy! The twins look so adorable in their little outfits, and they look so happy. I also love you and the mister in your matching outfits. Anyway! Merry Christmas, my friend, and sending you a hug! XO, Caroline 

  12. I was going to comment on the cookies, but then I got more excited to see the girls at the end of the post! It's so wonderful to see them. They have gotten so darn big! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  13. Those cookies are so creative! But oh those little kiddos are adorable!

  14. Anonymous21.12.24

    These cookies are so cute, but I just love snow globes! Those twins are just adorable, I loved the photo of them on the Christmas card you sent me! :) Enjoy having your entire family home on Christmas Day!


  15. Oh my, the twins have grown so much! What a cuties! Have a fabulous Christmas.

  16. Love seeing the darling grandbabies! They are getting so big! And so precious! The snowglobe cookies are so cute. I need to show them to my girls, they'd probably love to try making them!

  17. Merry Christmas! The girls are darling!

  18. Anonymous30.12.24

    I hope 2025 is a beautiful year for you full of many blessings.

  19. Your granddaughters are adorable! Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

    Emma xxx


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