
06 January 2025


What on Earth….literally, is going on in this world? The events in New Orleans last week on the very 1st day of the year just broke my heart. The sad truth is events like this are never going to stop. But one day we will, we’ll take our last breath. As I’m in the 2nd half of my life, I’m really asking myself, why aren’t I doing more of the things that bring me Joy? And I’m telling myself to treasure those joyful moments even more deeply. As cliche as it is, we only get one life and when that last breath comes, I hope my soul goes out on a joyful note and I hope yours does too. 

As I look back at this past year, I’m sad at how many people seem to have lost their Joy. I’m ashamed at sometimes being made to feel guilty when I get giddy excited about something. There are so many joy squashers out there! The world is full of negative Nellie’s, bullies of all ages and hurting souls. Let’s show them what Joy is by wearing it on our sleeve, by embracing the happiness that small and big things bring us. 

I had a very hard time finding joy in the first half of 2024. There were days I couldn’t find strength, or grace or even one foot in front of the other. I often wondered if I’d ever even smile or laugh again? But as with everyone, happiness ebbs and flows, more bad times are to come but so are the good ones. So what if even during the rough times, we stop and recognize Joy! A warm cup of tea on a cold afternoon, a fresh dye job on my very graying roots, a hug from a loved one, my doggie just sitting by my side in solitude. Joys don’t have to be ginormous, really it’s the culmination of small joys that lights the way even on the darkest days. 

And remember, joy may not be here today but there’s memories of joys, there’s a future with joys! I often think about my happiest, most joyful memories when I’m feeling low. 

How I wish I could send everyone, especially those hurting, a big ole helping of Joy! While that’s not possible, I hope I can at least spread it to those I encounter. It’s one of the reasons I came back to blogging, even spreading a speck of Joy is worth it. The flame on my candle is small but if I can light yours, I’ll do it! If we all try harder to see the Joy, maybe we’ll rub off on others. 


Never let anyone take JOY from you! Relish it, soak it up because those joys are meant for YOU! But what a gift to share some of it with others. 


Do you recognize Joy? Do you allow yourself to feel it? 

Can you let go of the painful, the bad, and be open to it!

And please tell me you try to spread it as best you can my sweet friends



PS: Something else that brings me joy besides the obvious, most family...…is there's only 298 days til I decorate for Christmas again. LOL!! Man, our home looks sparse; clean but sparse, LOL!


Linking up with Between Naps on the Porch // Thursday Fashion Files // I Do deClaire // Momfessionals // Hello Monday



  1. Yes to joy! Thank you for the reminder of all the simple things that bring us joy. Your light is bringing joy to all of us. Happy New Year my friend!

  2. Tammy H6.1.25

    Oh how I’ve missed your views and words. Thank you for the joy reminders.

  3. Thanks for this article of joy! It is the simple things that bring us Joy. So happy you're back to blogging again. I have missed you!

  4. Feliz Año...solemos decir, pero si también me he sentido un poco deprimida este 2024, tengo todo para ser feliz, hijas felices, nieta, esposo, y sobre todo Salud a mis 55 años cumplidos...pero el mundo te está contagiando de tristeza, veo como esperas tanto la Navidad, decoras desde octubre casi y no ha terminado aún y ya se comienza a quitar todo, el mundo con sus guerras cada vez más y niños, mujeres sufriendo..Nos falta más amor en el corazón. Que este año sea para ser mejor cada día...hay que intentarlo. Gracias por tus palabras Andrea y tu blog sigue siendo tan hermoso.

  5. It makes me so sad what is going on in the world. Choosing joy is a good way to live life. I had many times last year when I lost my joy but I realised that sometimes we have to live life and not worry about things as much. The smallest, simplest things seem to be the best things. Nice food, a hug from a friend or even a good TV show.
    Keep spreading joy, this blog post certainly made me smile and feel good.

  6. Anonymous6.1.25

    I've always enjoyed reading your blog and am glad you have returned to doing it once again! I agree there are too many people in the world who spread negativity. There are lots of little everyday joys to appreciate -thanks for sharing yours!

  7. Anonymous6.1.25

    I am very happy you chose to return to blogging, as your blog brings me joy. In these often sad times, another thing that brings me joy is the love and hope that I have in our Savior, Jesus Christ. I really wish we could have year-round Christmas lights to celebrate. :)

  8. Anonymous6.1.25

    Last year I really made the effort to find joy in each day. I also made it a habit to pray every night and to have one moment during my day where I say, "Thank you, God, for this moment, right here, right now." I also pray that everyone in the world, no matter what their circumstance is, can find moments of joy and peace. You are a bright light in this world, my friend, and I hope that this year brings you endless amounts of joy! XO, Caroline

  9. I try hard to steer clear of the joy suckers, but sometimes they can't be avoided. I so agree we have a choice in how we see our lives and I want more joy, less negativity. Happy new year!

  10. Yes to JOY! Your post definitely brought some into my space today. I love how you said joy doesn't have to be HUGE to appreciate it. I'm sorry the first part of the year was tough, and hope blogging will be a happy place for you in 2025. :)

  11. Fabulous reminder that Joy can be in the small things. So glad you're doing better and sending my own hug to you

  12. Anonymous7.1.25

    Probably my favourite post of yours. You have spread your joy all the way to Australia. I decided at the start of summer we would go to the beach as often as possible. We spent Christmas day there in beautiful sunshine and last Friday soon as I got back from work off we went. Take away pizza on the beach and collecting shells certainly brought us joy. Planning another trip for this Friday night. It takes us about an hour to get there, so worth it. Rita

  13. Ann B7.1.25

    I am so glad to read your blog again! Your message about joy really spoke to me today. I agree with you about how the smallest things can bring joy into our lives. Happy New Year!

  14. Enjoyed reading your thoughts on JOY! You seem like a joyful person and that's definitely something the world needs more of. I have pessimistic tendencies but that does not mean that I don't experience joy- maybe I have to search harder but I can often find it :).

  15. Anonymous7.1.25

    Choosing joy is an indeed a choice. One I need to make regardless of the circumstances I face. Thank you for the reminder. May the new year bring many opportunities for joy.

  16. Happy New Year friend! It's the little things that bring happiness and this is such a good reminder that we need to choose joy and not let the negative Nellie's spoil the little things that make us smile!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  17. This is a good reminder! I hope you have a fabulous 2025 filled with joys, both big and small.

  18. Life is hard and it is really hard to be joyful sometimes, but I've found that practicing gratitude daily helped me focus more on the good things. Which is a good thing since I tend to dwell on the bad more often than not. I'm sorry you had a bad start to 2024... I hope that 2025 brings you much JOY!

  19. Happy new year Andrea. Finding joy is a great one and I'm hoping you have many joyful days for 2025!

  20. You were missed and I'm so glad you're back!

  21. Thinking about you! I love what you said, "The flame on my candle is small but if I can light yours, I’ll do it!" One little flame can make such a difference. I love how one candle lights the entire church congregation during our candlelight service. It's a good analogy!

  22. Thank you for your words to be joyful! Yes everyday there is a reason to feel joy. Thanks for coming back to blogging. I have missed you!

  23. Anonymous12.1.25

    Beautiful words of joy

  24. Susan14.1.25

    I’m so glad to see you’ve returned to blogging. I always enjoy your posts. One thing I enjoyed the most is how joyful your posts were; I’m glad to see you’ve continued to find joy.

  25. Andrea I was so happy to see your sweet comment on my blog. I remember the first time I reached out to you was during Covid and one of your boy's college graduation plans were altered because of the pandemic. Looking forward to how you pushed through the negative to focus on the joy! Happy February! laura in colorado


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