
16 June 2023


Happy Friday. I really don’t have much my friends. It’s been another icky week and the motivation to blog is not strong, lol. But I always manage to have a few favorites! So, I hope you enjoy them what I could scrounge together, lol. It actually was a good mix, lol.

1. Dresses

This DRESS! I shared it before but it’s such a FAVORITE! One of the things I love most about it besides softness and affordability, adjustable straps, and the length is that I don’t have to wear a bra with it if you tie it just right in the front at holds the girls up. BUT what I don’t like is that I cannot find this dress, lol! It’s lost in my closet somewhere. 

This DRESS is one of my favorites and a big compliment getter, lol. My favorite outfit this weekend covers my leg wound. And wear these sandals all the time.

2. Flowers

My flowers have brought me extra joy and not for the reason you think this week. We’ve had tons of rain, so I haven’t had to spend 45 minutes watering every night. Trust me I don’t mind but it is nice to have a break now and then.

Supertunia Vistas from Proven Winners 
in snowdrift, jazzberry and bubblegum.

Calibrachoa otherwise know as million bells (single purple and double pink)

AND some from Trader Joe’s for Inside.

3. My Loves

This Guy, This Girl… watching the comedy Platonic on the back patio! Have you seen it? Short episodes, hated it at first, but gotten so funny!

But on Wednesday Stella got sick, we think a reaction from her Simparica for tick/flees and heart worm prevention, Had to go to the vet and get all fixed up with fluids, Bless her heart! Rethinking giving her that anymore!

on our way to the vet

4. Yearly...good report

I went to the Dr. too this week and had a good exam and blood work report. Eating those dates ( see my post about it HERE) is still working as while my total cholesterol number was up a bit, my ratio was even better than last year because my HDL (good cholesterol) was so good. But gosh this is a bad picture..Dr. office lighting be gone, lol

5. Misc. Fun



Linking up with  Friday Favorites  // Metamorphosis Monday



  1. Your flowers are looking gorgeous, as always! I can see how a dress would get lost in your closet... you have an outfit or two in there! Have a great weekend. 😊

  2. Sorry it's been a rough week my friend. Praying for Stella. Love your flowers and these dresses. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  3. Hoping for a better weekend and week ahead. You always stay positive, though.

  4. I love your pink flowers, love watching Platonic, and I hope Stella is ok.

  5. Hope you and Stella are on the mend XO Have a great weekend :)

  6. HI Andrea, Need to add Platonic to our list. Did you guys watch Shrinking? OMG so funny! We had our first day of sun here in Colorado followed by an evening of mid-west showers in the evening. Happy Friyay! laura in Colorado

  7. Sorry to hear you had a rough week!

  8. Anonymous16.6.23

    I love both of those dresses and your flowers! I am so sorry that it has not been a good week for you my friend. I hope that Stella feels better soon and that you have a glorious weekend! Hugs! XO, Caroline

  9. You sound like my mom when you say you can't find a dress, hahahahaha.
    I hope Stella is feeling better,

  10. I am seeing (and LOVING) that lemon dress everywhere this year.

  11. Your flowers are always so gorg! I need to start looking for some red, purple and white ones to plant for the 4th :)


  12. It's always a relieve when blood tests come out good. Find that black dress woman! It's gorgeous!

  13. Cathy18.6.23

    My last two little dogs could not tolerate the heartworm plus flea & tick medication. It's too hard on their delicate systems. Switched to a pill that just kills the heartworm. I use a flea/tick topical through the summer.

  14. I feel ya on blogging. I haven't had much motivation lately either. I LOVE that black dress! I have it in blue and white gingham and it's one of my favorites. Come to think of it, I haven't worn it in a while! I need to pull it out! B and I are about to start Platonic so I'm glad to hear you're liking it now! We just finished Shrinking and it was FANTASTIC so if you need something else on Apple TV I highly recommend it!

  15. Love that darling lemon dress! I can see why you get so many compliments! I'm jealous of all your rain! It's SO dry here. Send some our way!

  16. Aww poor Stella. Glad she's on the mend. I wanted to check out Platonic. I will stick with it if I don't love it at first. Cayute dresses, as per usual! I do appreciate the rain and not having to water everything but we've gotten a lot lately!! We are waterlogged!!

  17. Anonymous30.6.23

    Hope you are OK. Miss your posts.

  18. Anonymous30.6.23

    Poor Stella! Hope she is all better.

  19. It’s a good mish mash of things! I love both your dresses. Each has its own fun feminine flair! And those flowers are beautiful and they did strike joy just as I stared at them. It’s the little things right? And I hope your baby girl, Stella, gets better soon. Oh and that Big Bird meme…lol. Very cute, indeed!

    Maureen |

  20. I'm so sorry you've been having an icky time. Sending ALL the hugs sweet friend <3

  21. Anonymous7.7.23

    Are you okay? Haven’t seen a post from you for awhile.

    1. Anonymous7.7.23

      Thats's exactly what I was wondering. She missed the 4th of July post and she never does that kind of thing. I hope things are well.

  22. Just checking in to see if you are ok! I've missed your blog posts!


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