
12 April 2021


Not gonna lie, I wanted a trip to Greece or a glorious tropical vacation for my 50th birthday! But this is an odd time and neither Mr. Nine nor I had had our second vaccines and we were playing it by the book. I truly thought nothing special trip wise was going to happen for my birthday, but we were blessed with a beautiful above 70° weather weekend in Indiana so very last-minute Mr. Nine and I decided to go to Chicago and just be as careful as we could, and it all ended up being just fine.

Truly, we were more impressed with the way Chicago was handling the pandemic than our own county! Temperatures were taken everywhere and with nice weather, we were able to be outside most of the time. What was super odd is it was the least busy we’d ever seen Chicago despite being the holiday weekend and warm sunshiny skies! People are still just fearful, and I get it as several restaurants and hotels that we loved were still closed, some permanently so.

 But the Nine’s always make the most of it and we had a glorious time! Mr. Nine has been working so hard so it was exactly what he needed as well! It may have just been a quick overnight, but we packed it in, and it meant the world to us!

 I thought it be fun to share a few snaps as everywhere we ate was new to us and we meandered to the Fulton Market/West Loop area where we had never been before and loved it so much that we’re going to stay in that area instead of downtown next time!

Cool murals down there too.

We were lucky that our hotel was ready before noon, so we settled in and went out to explore a bit and get a snack. We ended up on the Gold Coast at LUXBAR and I was able to get Brunch which made this girl very happy! The Eggs Benedict and cocktails were delightful and of course I had to get a bathroom selfie, LOL!

After a quick stop in Eataly to get my favorite olive oil on the planet, it was back for a nap and then getting ready for dinner. As you saw in last Wednesday's post, Mr. Nine took some great Chicago photos in my white dinner jumpsuit and we had a lovely meal at Siena Tavern, where we had never been before. Afterwards, I wanted to take Mr. Nine up the road to the Gilt Bar! I have been once before with some friends and it has an old-school, 1920s vibe where they played great music and I love me a dimly lit bar! It was so fun to get our photos in the photo booth downstairs! Yumminess from top left
Yumminess from top left: Giant Meatball, Expresso Martini, An Italian Chicken dish the chef made on "Top Chef" and a lemon bar coated in meringue and lit on fire...YUMMO!!

You get two photo stops and you can hang one on the wall, so fun!!


After a restful night, we woke up to Easter morning and I was so thrilled to go have brunch at The Hampton Social. We had noticed this establishment the last couple times we were there, and I’d heard from people that it was wonderful. And it truly was. The vibe is so beachy and well I guess you could say, totally like I picture the Hamptons.


Afterwards, we changed and checked out and had the hotel hold our bags and we popped back down to Eataly for some salted caramel gelato and cappuccinos. Saw a great Jazz Sax Player and some were dancing on the streets! We were hoping to do a little shopping but since it was Easter, all the stores are closed. 

 Then, what Mr. Nine and I like to do is just start walking and hope that we discover new places which we do every time that we are in Chicago. We logged about 20,000 steps that day and ended up down in the Fulton Market/W. Loop area where we have been wanting to go. Next time, I think we’re going to stay in a hotel down there called The Hoxton. It was so charming is so delightful. We knew we had to have a drink out in the sunshine, so we stopped at a little restaurant called PB&J which stands for Pizza, Beer and Jukebox!!!!

We don’t really have any good pictures of us together either besides a couple selfie‘s because Mr. Nine is not really one to want to cask people to take her pictures but especially not now during Covid. Most of our servers had gloves on and you know some people just don’t want to touch your phone but that was Ok.  

While we wish they could, maybe, LOL, men can’t read our minds so in giving Mr. Nine a little push, we ended up having 36 glorious hours of fabulous weather in our favorite city to celebrate and I’m so thankful!

Look a "9" just for us......

.....Nope, get closer and it's not but still COOL!!!! 

I love sculptures!

Happy Week Ahead Peeps!!

 LINKING-UP with Metamorphosis Monday// // Love your Creativity // Hello Monday // Inspire Me Tuesday 

So true, we always see something new!!


  1. I am so glad you got away and the weather was so glorious! What a fun weekend and the perfect way to usher in a new decade. Fifty is fabulous and so are YOU!!!

  2. What a fun weekend in my favorite town! The Hoxton is amazing so good choice for next time. Every place you stopped looks perfect. We have a Hampton social in the burbs near my house and I love it. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pics! You look amazing as always.

  3. Anonymous12.4.21

    I'm so glad to see you had a great birthday in a fun place! Hopefully next year travel will be almost back to normal!! The food and drinks all look wonderful!

    Rosy Outlook 

  4. I'm so glad you got to celebrate your birthday in a great way!! And guess what, now that tropical island getaway or trip to greece will be twice as long!! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  5. I know the feeling, we had to cancel our 10 year anniversary trip last year and it was a big bummer. I'm so glad you got to go to Chicago! It looks like it turned out perfect. Always great when it's a trip both of you can use and enjoy. Greece will come at some point and hopefully it will be extra special.

  6. Great suggestions! We love to get to Chicago. My younger son has to fly through O'Hare every time he comes home. It would be fun to join him up there! Happy Week! laura

  7. Even though you didn't get to take a big trip for your birthday, it looks like you made the best of and were able to celebrate in Chicago. All of the food and drinks look so good and I'm glad you had a fun time with Mr. Nine.

  8. AWe! I am so glad that you were able to enjoy your trip and feel safe!!!

  9. Ohhh, how sweet of Mr. Nine to sweep you away to Chicago! It looks like such a perfect trip for a 50th birthday under these circumstances. Wishing you a beautiful week!

  10. Happy belated birthday sweetie!!!!! I am so happy that you were able to get away together and make it feel like a fabulous adventure. I love how both of you recognize how the other needs a little getaway from time to time. I was just chatting with Logan and saying how everyone says how great Chicago is. One day maybe that will be an adult only trip for us. I love exploring a city on foot and although I like planning some places to see, eat and explore, I also love the idea of stumbling across some neat places as you did. Love all the pictures. Makes me have hope for the future of travel.

  11. It looked like a fabulous getaway for your birthday and Easter! I love Chicago and can't wait to go back one day. I need to bookmark these places for our next trip! You two look FABULOUS!

  12. First off, I loved the title of your post... it cracked me up. Second of all, that photo wall is so neat... it looks like y'all visited some awesome places.
    Finally, I'm SO glad you were able to get away, even if it wasn't the dream destination you'd had in mind. I've never been to Chicago and this makes me want to go even more!

  13. I am so glad you were able to get a little getaway for your birthday! It looks like a great time - and wonderful weather! I still can't believe you are 50 - you look amazing - and I love all your bright pink.

  14. Love that you guys were able to pack so much in, and had the best weather! I still want to check out The Hampton Social, as one just opened up here. It looks SO pretty <3

    Green Fashionista

  15. What a fabulous weekend with incredible weather! I have heard that New York City is an absolute ghost town right now. Have a wonderful week!

  16. LOL - that does look like a 9 - too funny.
    I'm so glad you got to get away & get a trip in. Also glad to see Chicago taking such good precautions.

  17. What a fun weekend! All the food looks fabulous and your outfits are all so cute and stylish. My husband and I are celebrating our 20 year anniversary next month and I was hoping for tropical too (specifically the Virgin Islands) but we decided this weekend to just book a long weekend here in New England and save our big trip ideas for another time.

  18. What a great birthday weekend. I totally thought that was a nine, but it is still a pretty structure. I haven't been to Chicago in forever. Glad it was a great trip.

  19. Great post! I live right outside of Chicago. You guys are so cool!

  20. That's so wonderful you could get away for your birthday like that Andrea!! And making the best of it is what you do best (besides styling)!!! The nap made me laugh because that's exactly what we do too!!

  21. Yeah, I've felt that way during Covid, too... it is just hard to ask a stranger or even a server to take a family photo or couple photo. I need to pin this post for some food and dessert ideas for when we go back to Chicago next!


  22. Im so glad you had an amazing 50th bday trip..wishing I could back to 5o ha ha....IM careeining fast to 60...only 4 more yrs! Looking gorgeous as always....

  23. I'm really happy you both were able to take some time away from home and enjoy the city! It looks like you had so much fun! And you looked fabulous while doing it too!

  24. Even though it wasn't the trip you thought you'd be having, it still looks like the most amazing time for you guys! I've always wanted to visit Chicago too. There is so much to see and do! The perfect place to spend your big fabulous birthday~! XO


  25. It looks like a great weekend even if it wasn't quite Greece. I'm glad you found plenty of places open and likely much less busy then they otherwise would have been Not a bad way to celebrate!

  26. You packed in so many great places on this trip! I'm so glad you had a fabulous time! I've never been to Gilt bar so we definitely need to meet up there this summer!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  27. I love Chicago, it looks like a great trip!

  28. Thats a wonderful Birthday surprise!

  29. What a great way to safely celebrate your birthday! I have only been reading your blog since last year, is a bathroom selfie a fun little thing you try to do on each of your trips? Glad you had a happy birthday! @ms.meranda

  30. You two look so cute, I bet you had a wonderful time away. Love, love, love that jumpsuit hunny. Jacqui x

  31. Thanks for sharing your fun weekend with us! You look incredible, and your outfits are incredible too! I'm in St. Louis, so I need to get up to Chicago to enjoy some of those fabulous places. Thanks for sharing with us at the TFT party. :)

  32. Ok I love everything about this post, but especially your Gilt Bar hair and dress! Oh my you are lovely! And you two look truly happy. What a wonderful birthday - thanks for ALL the inspiration!

  33. What a fun little get-away! I love Chicago!
    Niky @ The House on Silverado

  34. Happy birthday!! What a fun trip! My hs bestie lives in Chicago now, but the first time we visited (before she moved there), we went to this really cool, dimly-lit bar near Merchandise Mart. (I remember that specifically because we got lost in there after taking the el LOL.) When you mentioned Lux Bar, I was like "Is that it?" So I looked at a map, but nope, wrong side of the city. Then, I got up to your mention of Gilt Bar, and I was like "THAT'S IT!!" So, thank you for jogging my memory! :)


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