
14 December 2015


That would be Moi!!! I do not need a thing and I am one of those people who would rather give than receive. However, the loved ones in my life are Ahhhmazing gift picker outers and I am honored with anthing they chose to bestow on me from a handmade box of truffles made in HomeEc class by a son to a creme brûlée almonds from my sister-in-law, an Owl ring from my friend "T",  or miniature Jergens lotion bottles from my mama when I was a little girl. I don't ever remember not liking a gift from a loved one because my heart spells grateful. Grateful for the time and effort this gift giver put into picking out something they knew I would love and appreciate!! I know many of you are done with your shopping but for some you need ideas!! I also know some people do not like gift cards but I do think they are practical especially for example, a Starbucks drinker like me. Last year I had a total of $110 in Starbucks cards and I was tickled to have free drinks until April!! I adore creating and buying gifts for those I love. However, there are some people out there who are tough to buy for because they have everything! No fear, this girl has some ideas for the lady who does not need another pair of socks, bottle of perfume or robe.

1. Tahitian Black Pearl Necklace
The most favorite gift my husband ever gave me, besides his love, sigh, was a Tahitian black pearl necklace. It is so delicate and unique and people compliment on it whenever I wear it! White pearls are classic but black ones are spectacular!!


Black Pearl Necklace HERE

2. Luxurious Sweater & The Unexpected
The best gifts consist of something practical paired with something unexpected. Banana Relublic is not somewhere I shop often but what I do know is that their clothing is such fabulous quality. This Todd and Duncan cashmere sweater is amazing and not something I would go out and but myself because it's a little pricey (it is on sale now) but pair it with some funky slippers, like these wolf ones, also from BR and I'll bet she will smile.

Turtleneck HERE

3. Mini Elephant Ring Holder
I go giddy over things miniature and with all the tiny rings popular right now, how about this adorable elephant ring holder. It's on sale for $15. One of my sons got me a jewelry tray and I use it all the time. 

Ring Holder HERE

4. Kate Spade Sunglasses
I truly believe one can never have enough sunglasses. Big Black Hollywood frames, cat eyes, white, aviators, funky colors, ones with Bling, etc. I usually buy fairly cheap ones from The Loft or Kohl's because I tend to lose or scratch them but I definitely get my money's worth out of them til I do. Why not splurge on your favorite lady with a pair of gorgeous Kate Spades!! I have been wearing tortishell framed glasses on repeat lately and love these. I adore the beige ones too.

Kate Spade Sunnies HERE

5. Ina Garten's CookBook: Foolproof
Also known as The Barefoot Contessa, Ina is a favorite of mine. Her home and the kitchen she films her shows in, is gorgeous and her recipes unique but doable and delicious. To me, what makes a good cookbook are the pictures, and this one is her best yet!

Cookbook HERE

6. Spice Rack
Who doesn't love fresh spices or unique salts? I buy many of my spices from a company called MY SPICE SAGEI love how these from the Gustus Vitae Condiments company are magnetized and will stick to your fridge. Even if you don't like to cook, these are great toppings to a prepared dish or you can Re-gift it because it is a gorgeous set with unique flavorings. And Yes, guilty as charged, I have re-gifted a couple times if it was something I knew someone would love and there were no more or if I already had one. It's OK as long as it's not tacky!!

Spice Set HERE

7. Sweatshirt Dress
So stinking' adorable!! These sweatshirt dress are so in now and I think this one is the cutest one I've seen. What is so great about it is the comfort factor that can be worn cozily around the house all day or add some leggings and flats for errands or boots, a scarf and jewelry to dress it up a bit. Plus, it has pockets!!
Sweatshirt Dress HERE

8. Magic Mike XXL
Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello without shirts on. Enough said!! And I still haven't seen this sequel. Hint, Hint.
Magic Mike Movie HERE

9. Jacques Torres Hot Chocolate & Chocolates
Hello...the word chocolate is all you really need to know. While Hershey's Minis are yummy and Dove is divine, how about a unique and high quality chocolate as a special treat!! My mom reminded me the other day of this out of this world delicious Hot Chocolate we had at Jacques Torres in New York. The shop is amazing but even more: the product is first class quality chocolate all the way. Great Gift!!

Now I want to go pop in Magic Mike and eat some chocolate. 
If only! Happy Monday!!


  1. I love the luxurious gift and those sunglasses!! I would happily open those gifts!!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. This is a great list! I'll take one of each! I love those wolf slippers and the cozy sweater!

    Doused In Pink

  3. Any of these are awesome gifts! That cashmere sweater and those loafers are my favorite! And obviously the Magic Mike sequel haha! Enjoy your Monday!!

  4. Awesome list! KS sunnies are always a good idea, and how pretty is that necklace?!

    Green Fashionista

  5. how freaking cute is that ring holder? and such a unique gift! love it

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  6. How awesome is this! I needed something like this I have troubles buying for people!
    Such a wonderful post! Wishing you a wonderful Monday!

  7. I love all of these! I especially like the spice rack! (I'm a practical gal-haha) I am exactly the same way you are in that I love buying gifts for others because I literally already have all that I want and need. Have a wonderful week!

  8. Awesome list idea! There are a few things on there that I want!

    Christina ::Simple and Delish

  9. Love these gift ideas! That necklace is gorgeous, and I love that sweater and sunglasses. Ina is also a favorite of mine. :-) That ring holder is a great idea too. I have one that my husband's grandma gave me as a wedding gift. I use it to hold my wedding rings and it always makes me think of her. :-) Thanks for sharing and I hope that you and your family had a wonderful weekend!!

  10. That ring holder is adorable and I would definitely love that sweater!!

  11. I love everything you picked!! Especially that sweatshirt dress!! Soooo cozy!

  12. This is a great list, Andrea! Ina Garten is my favorite too -- I haven't seen this cookbook yet!! Love the spice rack too, I could definitely use this organized system! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  13. That ring holder is THE cutest!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  14. Oh, girl! I know you had me in mine with that presh elephant ring holder! Ha ha! Roll Tide!! Love, love, love the Christmas card you sent! It made me even more thankful that Felicia got the boot after this awful summer! Enjoy the day and cheers to more Starbucks gift cards!!

  15. In love with those wolf slippers!!!! I had no idea BR carried shoes like that. Thank you for the great gift tips.


  16. Great ideas, Andrea! Totally love the sweater idea! In fact, just yesterday I went into Marshalls and saw a few cashmere sweaters which make such great gifts indeed!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  17. Love your list! That black pearl necklace is absolutely gorgeous and now I WANT!!!! That sweatshirt dress looks so cozy, love elephants (like you didn't know) and Channing Tatum for Christmas? Yes, please! Haha. Happy Monday, thanks for leaving me with that visual ;)

  18. Great picks! That necklace is gorgeous!! Who doesn't love pearls??

  19. That cashmere sweater is beautiful!

  20. I loooove that ring holder and spice rack, oh and of course Magic Mike, haha! Great picks!

  21. I would totally love to get those fun slippers and the high quality chocolate is the best idea. We are giving some out from local chocolatiers fro Christmas. Loved your list

  22. Ohh I would love the spice rack so I could declutter my spice CUPBOARD! The black pearl necklace is gorgeous too and a nice pair of sunglasses is always great to have!

  23. Yes, I'll take one of each please!

  24. Those wolf slippers are so unique and cool. And we could really use a spice rack! We just throw ours in a cupboard and they're all over the place!

  25. I'm the same - I have everything I need, and have the hardest time coming up with gift suggestions for myself! Luckily, my husband is also a great gift giver. Such great suggestions here - love them all!

  26. Anonymous15.12.15

    Love that pearl necklace! Stunning. I wonder if it's too late to let Santa know I'd like one of those?

  27. Hahahaaa, you have everything. I kind of do too, except I need more ponchos lol. The spice racks, chocolates and hot chocolate box plus that elephant holding rings (which is super cute) all need to be mine.

  28. Oh and I need to buy Contessa's book for my mom. My mom loves her cooking though mom is a pretty amazing cook herself. The amazing spice rack would be a great gift for my mom too, so thank you because you certainly gave me so many great ideas.

  29. I love these ideas! Although I can't get into those Magic Mike movies. They just make me laugh.


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