
13 January 2025


Mr. Nine and I traveled a lot in 2024; together and separately. I often tease that 2024 was the year of travel for Mr. Nine because we went to a lot of places that I knew he really wanted to go. So maybe 2025 will be the year of travel for me, ha ha. Actually, I don’t want to travel near as much, lol. I will occasionally be bringing you some more of the places we went to since I was on blogging sabbatical for much of 2024. 

For this post, I’m just concentrating on Waco, Texas and our stay at the Gaines Hotel 1928, which you may have seen the renovation of on Magnolia network. We also went to Austin during this spring trip for my birthday. Even though I had been to both of these places before, Mr. Nine had not been. I know he had a vision in his mind what these places would be like and unfortunately, they didn’t quite live up to it, but we tried to have the best time that we could despite it being a yucky time in our lives. Let’s just say this was one of the top three worst birthdays I ever had even though I was celebrating on a trip, lol.

But let’s get to what you really want to know, how was the Hotel 1928 and how was Waco?

We were driving to Waco from Austin and what trip like that would not be complete without a stop at Buc-ee's, also a first for Mr. Nine. It didn’t hold as much luster for me as my first visit with my friends in 2019 but nonetheless, I was still excited to see all those little beavers, lol.

We were about three hours early for check-in, but 90% of time, we can usually still get into a room. Not with this one and not with the front desk attendant, who was somewhat rude and didn’t give us the overly friendly Texas welcome we had anticipated, lol.

We killed some time and went down to the Dr Pepper Museum, which was fun to see and especially because Dr Pepper was always my beloved grandmother’s favorite soda pop.

OK, check in time. The second shift was not much friendlier, but our room was indeed gorgeous. We had watched the hotel renovation show and knew that Chip and Joanna Gaines had made sure to include every last detail to make it lovely and that they did! 

Our room was spacious and the bathroom especially was gorgeous! We often like a little bit more of a modern hotel but this just felt like it was right out of the 1920s. 

The gathering areas outside the lobby were absolutely gorgeous as well and I especially loved the little coffee shop area.

That night we had dinner at the first of the two hotel restaurants, Bertie's and the view outside was great but unfortunately Al fresco dining was not yet available. But I do love that we matched, lol.

One thing we thought would be terrific was the morning coffee service. I am not a fan of in room coffee pots as I know they are not the cleanest, lol. It was so nice to be able to check a couple boxes hanging on the door and the next morning, when you opened it at the time noted, there would be a fresh hot pot of coffee. Unfortunately it didn’t happen like that. 

On the first morning, which was my birthday, it was about 45 minutes late, but the second morning was when it was extremely awful. After being over an hour late, I called twice to which we were given the runaround with slow service, which I can understand, but being promised it would be there in 10 minutes, then another half hour later within just a few minutes of each other, we were brought different two pots without an apology.

I did have an amazing birthday breakfast at the Magnolia Table. Last time I was here we were not able to get a table and only had the warm biscuits so this time it was such a treat to get the biscuit sampler as well as a hearty egg breakfast. So good and the service here was fabulous!

Loved my Daytime dress from Hollister

Off to see the Silos. Mr. Nine thought there would be more here and there are a few more spots than the last time I was here but you are through it all in just a few hours. My favorite spots that day were actually the Magnolia coffee shop and the Magnolia Bakery where we shared several cupcakes. It you love Chip and Joanna you truly must visit the Magnolia property at least once but keep in mind you don’t need more than a day and there just isn’t much in Waco.

Back at the Hotel we did enjoy playing cards with our gift shop bought 1928 cards in the lobby before our dinner at the other one of the Hotel’s restaurants, The Brasserie.

Again, extremely poor service but maybe they just can’t get staffing. But disappointed none the less. And now that it’s been 9 months since our trip I can’t even remember what I had, lol. I did love my birthday outfit tho and the hotel’s library is extremely charming. 

Feather Sleeve top HERE // Pants HERE // Bag HERE // Sandals HERE

So unfortunately we were let down on this trip but we’re realistic that not all trips can be fabulous. We made the most of it as always but I should’ve taken the reviews to heart about how poor the service is. You would think Chip and Jojo would expect more. The architecture was beautiful in the Hotel but that’s about it, lol. 

Thoughts? Have you been to Waco or the Silos? 

Would you stay at this Hotel

Happy New Week.


coming Thursday!

Linking up with Between Naps on the Porch // Thursday Fashion Files // I Do deClaire // Momfessionals // Hello Monday



  1. It's too bad the service was terrible because the hotel looks great otherwise. Like you said, they can't all be homeruns. Sometimes the not great experiences help you to appreciate the ones that are that much more.

  2. I didn't even know about this hotel. The decor is amazing and love the bathroom especially. I adore your looks my friend!

  3. Anonymous13.1.25

    I’m sorry there were some disappointments, but I’m glad you had some fun as well. Can’t wait for your announcement. Have a beautiful day my friend.

  4. It's really too bad about the poor service you had during your trip. It would be fun to see the Magnolia Silos though and that breakfast looks so yummy!

  5. I have never been there. It sounds like you didn't really love the hotel overall.

  6. Enjoyed reading this post and seeing your gorgeous photos! I have never been to a Buc-ees and I want to see those beavers!! The hotel looks SO NICE- love the bookshelves flanking the fireplace, the outdoors space and your bathroom. What a shame that the service didn't match the beauty of the place. I have never been to Waco/the Silos and would like to go if I was in the area. I am probably not a big enough Gaines fan to just go for that but it is something that I would like to see. Have a great Monday!

  7. Anonymous13.1.25

    I, too can attest that there is not much in Waco at all. However, being big a Fixer Upper fan, I wanted to go to the Silos. The hotel was not finished when we went, so we stayed in a downtown AriBnB flat that was fabulous!! Went to the Silos and was soooo disappointed in the actual place and the RUDE staff and security guards EVERYWHERE!! I felt so distrusted as citizen! LOL WIll not go back, but the Magnolia Restaurant was FABULOUS! From the wait to the servers and most definitely the food! I understand your dissapointment though!

  8. It makes me sad that you guys had such bad service, especially on your birthday of all days! I think so many places are understaffed, but I feel the very least you should get is friendly service and trying to go out of their way to help, even if they can't keep up the way they should. You got some pretty photos, and I just love that Daytime dress my friend!

    Wishing you a wonderful week! :)

    Make Life Marvelous

  9. What a bummer; hopefully they can get the staffing issues fixed. That's too bad that such a lovely hotel was not up to snuff.

  10. It's nice you got away for your birthday. The hotel looked beautiful. I love your outfits and but too bad about the service. I hope you have a nice week.

  11. I am sorry that you had a few disappointments. I really do want to make a trip to the Silos.

  12. I have been to the Silos and agree that you can easily see it all in a few hours. I'm so sorry the hotel and restaurants were so disappointing. You really would think the Gaines' would demand better!

  13. So sorry the service was so bad because that hotel looked beautiful. You had a good attitude, though. And your outfits were gorgeous! Looking forward to hearing about your other travels!

  14. Such a pity when staff isn't friendly, it doesn't cost a thing right. But the test sounds great!

  15. I've always wanted to visit Waco! I remember watching their show when they were building the hotel and it looks absolutely beautiful! It's a shame the customer service wasn't up to par.

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  16. That hotel is stunning! I've never been to Waco but you're making me want to go! I've also never been to a Buc-ee's even though we have one close-ish to here. Haha.

  17. That hotel looks gorgeous! I'm sorry the trip had some disappointments--especially that coffee service!! Don't mess with my morning coffee! You two look cute and coordinated!! I've been to Austin but not Waco...not sure if I want to now. I hope you're having a great week!

  18. Service can make such a difference! While the accommodations sure look beautiful, I am sure that you would expect great service especially that I would guess that the hotel pricing reflects the accommodations. Buccees is always fun even if a little overwhelming with how big it is, but I sure love their large clean bathrooms when we travel!

  19. Anonymous16.1.25

    I loved Fixer Upper, and I remember when they were renovating that hotel. It looks beautiful, but I'm so sorry that you guys had a disappointing experience. Hopefully now they have better staff and management teams. I honestly can't say that going to Waco is on the top of my list, but some of those places look really cute. Anyway! Your outfits are also fab, and I hope that you are having a lovely week so far, my friend! XO, Caroline

  20. Anonymous16.1.25

    I've always wanted to go see Magnolia and the Silos and I was wondering if it was still as popular as it was years ago. I have heard you can see everything rather quickly. Oh, I am so sorry you had such late service with the coffee! I want my coffee right when I wake up, so I can understand that... plus, how hard is it for them to make a pot of coffee?! That should be something they can do quickly!


  21. Lisa C31.1.25

    I'm from Belton (about 30 minutes down the road) so I've watched Waco grow over the years. My college friends and I met in Waco for a weekend in January of this year. We also went to the hotel and had dinner at Bertie's. I wasn't impressed with the service, the options, and especially the valet situation. We had a much more pleasant experience at La Fiesta and it's been in Waco for over 60 years!

  22. Hi Andrea Waco is on our list. I spent time in Dallas last year when our youngest had an internship. I also had an amazing lunch with Preppy Empty Nester! It is great to have you back on the blog. You have the biggest heart ... xo laura


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