
13 April 2020


Ok friends, this is a lighthearted fun one since I had my Mr. Nine in a good spot to answer all these! He was pretty spot on give or take an inch or two, I thought you might like to try this with your significant others or maybe even your kids, I should ask my boys these questions, lol

I’ll pretty much get right to the Q&A here, but I just wanted to reiterate how lucky I am to be married to the man of my dreams! No marriage is perfect, but we work hard each and every day to make it the most important thing in our lives and for our family. I love this crazy bearded man, who is super-hot by the way, with all my heart!

What is something I say a lot?

How tall am I?
-5’8” ( I've shrunk a wee but but close enough)

What do I do when I’m Not with you?
-Blog (amoung 85 million other things, lol)

What is my Favorite Movie?
-Shawshank Redemption ( I have a top ten and this is #1)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
-Greece (Hopefully next year when we can travel again)

-How do I annoy you?
You don’t, lol (awwwww)

What is my favorite TV show?
-Anything on NBC (well, we have six we watch on NBC)

Who is my celebrity crush? 
-Brett Young
Great short version HERE

You get a phone call that I am in trouble, who am I with? 
-Myself (I get little ole me into all kinds oof predicatments)

What do I hate?

What is something I LOVE to eat? 
-M&M’s (specifically caramel, PB or toffee nut ones)
Or in my case, the last handful of M&M's in the dish!

What is my Favorite Drink? 
-Processo or Champagne


What gets my temper going the most?
-Ignorant People 

What’s my shoe size?
-7-8 depending on what the shoe (never worn an 8 but ok)

Three Words to Describe Me?
-Awesome, Beautiful and Caring (I could say the same about him!)

Here are the questions in case you want to give it a try! Let’s do this 89th week of Quarantine OK babes!




  1. This is so beautiful- loved reading it Andrea! He knows you so well :)

  2. He did pretty good! You two are so cute together. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  3. Awe. This is so sweet. I love this post. Y’all are just the cutest!

  4. This is so fun!! I'll have to do it with G! I love that he said nothing you do annoys him and even sweeter that he watches all your favorite shows with you! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  5. You two are adorable! I already knew you were a great couple but I loved hearing the answers and your side notes! I hope you had a nice Easter!

  6. Very sweet! What a fun idea. Have a great day beautiful babe!

  7. I love this!! So beautiful!!! And from this my favourites are caramel, Shawshenk Redemption and Prosecco too lol!!!!

  8. I love this! I plan on doing it with my hubby soon. He hates being on the spot. :) You two are a match made in heaven!

  9. Fun! I'm not sure my husband would participate but my kids want to do a how well they know me post soon!

  10. This is such a fun post idea and so sweet! You are a beautiful couple and he knows you so well!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  11. This is such an adorable post and I love how well he knows you! Steven and I did something similar for my bridal shower a few years ago and I was so impressed. They do pay attention haha!

    Rosy Outlook 

  12. This is so fun! He did so well and clearly loves you. Good pick on the M&M's too - yum!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  13. What a sweet post! I love his answers; he did great! You are tall girl, but as I type that, I guess I am 5' 7". :)

  14. What fun game and your husband did great! Hope you have a nice week!

  15. You two are the absolute cutest! Definitely stealing these questions for my hubby <3

    Green Fashionista

  16. AHHH - the words to describe you - that's precious
    YEPP - we have to be sisters - so many similar things... I was 5'9 in high school & am now 5'8.. .isnt it crazy how we do shrink? Where's that long lean Yoga/pilates class at?

  17. This is so cute. I'm totally going to do this with my hubby.

  18. Y'all are so cute! He did a great job and what a fun post! I love the answer about the shoe size --- I don't think Richard would get that right haha!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  19. Awww!! So sweet! You made my smile and chuckle on such a yucky day! Love the two of you so much and would you believe I've never seen Shawshank Redemption? Nope! we are binging a show right now that y'all might like called Pinkie Blinders. It's like S of A back in the 1930s! We like it!

  20. So fun ! I love M&M's too especially the caramel ones !

  21. You two are so cute! I didn't know there was a toffee nut m&m. What am I even doing with my life?!?!? I will have to have Chris answer these sometime.

  22. Love these questions! Shawshank is also one of my favorite movies. Hope you have a good week!

  23. You two are too adorable! What a fun Q&A! I may have to try this.

  24. This is so cute! I love peanut butter M&M's.

  25. Y'all are so cute! I love that last little thing you posted. A true reminder of how love should be!

  26. You are such an adorable couple! This was a fun and lighthearted post much needed now. I need to put my hubby in the hot seat now!

  27. That's the sweetest! You look great with bunny ears btw! ❤️

  28. This was such a sweet post and brought a huge smile to my face! You two are the cutest and I love this idea. I'll see if the Mr. wants to try it too! That last picture of you guys is my favorite. You were most definitely meant to be xo~xo


  29. I totally loved this, and yes, I will be stealing it. We started Shawshank Sunday night and neither Katie nor I could deal with it. Had to turn it off. LOL Funny how different people like different movies. Katie says her 'husband' is Brett Young. HA! So y'all share taste in men. You know I love me some M&M's too. Hope your week is off to a great start. XOXO

  30. Ann, he is your Mr. Perfect!

  31. This is SO CUTE and Mr. Nine did really well- he adores you!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  32. Aww how fun! I just added your blog to my blog list and apparently I added it wrong. Did you know there is another blog called Livingoncloudnine?


  33. He's so handsome and you guys are so cute! How long have you been married?

  34. This was so fun!! We were between Greece or Banff for our 10 year anniversary in June. I've come to terms that neither are going to happen this year :( I also LOVE the peanut butter M&Ms but they aren't always easy to find.

  35. This is soo cute. I want to ask Rory these questions about me.

  36. Such a fun post Andrea and so glad that you and your hubby have a good relationship. It is a work in progress but with the right person, it never feels like it. I love the love and definitely how well your hubby is well tuned in to you.

    Maureen |

  37. Aww, what a sweet post. Your Mr. 9 knows you very well!! I am going to ask PC the same questions and see how we fare over here. Cheers to the two of you - such a precious couple.

  38. I love your outfit in the very last picture! I LOVE caramel M&Ms. For some reason I still haven't tried the toffee nut, I need to change that!

  39. You two are adorable - I might have to try this out too! Wonder how well hubby knows me ... xxx Jacqui

  40. This is SO cute! He killed it! :)


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