
06 December 2017


The minute I saw this Naughty, Nice, Whatever Sweatshirt, I knew it had to mine for a couple reasons. One, if you remember from this Post called Pineapple Pusher, I got my first Wildfox sweatshirt and fell in love with the  softest material ever and cuteness of their products! Then you add in this festive saying that soooo fits me this season and I was a goner. 

I am a Christmas Season girl, there is not one thing I don't love about it, except maybe long store lines and this marshmallow concoction they sell around here called Chocolate Charlie. But, this season is escaping me to the pressure of the house move, not selling of the current one, not having everything in its place and attitudes by most people I encounter. 
However, I am Miss Positivity and it shall get done and 
it will be a glorious Christmas in our new beautiful Digs. 
Like I told my sister-in-law, my Martha Stewart ways will return in 2018.

I will try to be Nice, but if I turn a little Naughty,..cut me some slack. Ok? Whatever, lol! I wouldn't say I am Bah Humbug at all, I want to delight in the season, I'm just a little Fruit "Basket Casey!" Merry Christmas!

Sweatshirt HERE // Tennis Shoes HERE
Earrings from my dear friend Kellyann, similar HERE and HERE

Now Let's Link-Up your fabulous style and head over to The Blended Blog and see what one of our beautiful ladies is styling and loving!



  1. I do love a cheeky logo! xx

  2. Awwww, you are the sweetest girl ever so something tells me that even your "naughty" is nicer than most people's best "nice"! You are darling in this sweatshirt, I love it and the earrings look great with it. You are going to have a fabulous Christmas my friend, I know it!
    love ya!

  3. That's a really cool sweatshirt! I love the cheeky quote :)

  4. What a cute sweatshirt! You look beautiful in it! Merry Christmas! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  5. I have seen this sweatshirt and thought it was the cutest! Wildfox really does have the softest sweatshirts. I only have one but really need to add more to my collection. This one is perfect for this time of the year! Happy Wednesday, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  6. Wildfox sweaters are really some of the softest I have ever touched!! This one is just perfect for the holiday season! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Cutest sweatshirt. You are one of the most positive people I know. I hope your house sells - and you get to enjoy some Christmas fun this season.

    Daily Style Finds

  8. What a fun shirt, you are looking adorable in this look! Have a wonderful say Andrea!

  9. You are always look great / you are always nice / you are always positive these I know just from reading your blog. Much love to you friend!

  10. That sweatshirt is so cute & it looks super comfy!

  11. I laughed at the saying on that sweatshirt! There's no way you could ever be naughty!!! Praying your old house sells quickly!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  12. Love this casual look with that adorably, funny sweatshirt. I can't imagine the crazy going on around you! At least you're looking super cute in your casual fashion. And I love your comedic puns way to keep positivity and to crack jokes, right?? Looking beautiful as always...Merry Christmas indeed!

  13. You do have a lot going on, so I can see why it would be hard to get fully into the spirit. But it will work out and Christmas will be amazing anyway! I'll by you house for all the money I have in my wallet ;-) Then we'll come visit! Have a great day pretty lady!

  14. That sweatshirt looks so cozy!! And so festive!

  15. This graphic sweatshirt is so fun and it also looks so soft and cozy! Happy Wednesday love!

    Rosy Outlook

  16. You look super cute. Such a festive tee! I totally understand you on the Christmas spirit. Navigating a move would take the wind out of me too. Sending all my positive thoughts to have everything go smoothly!

  17. Haha! Isn't this shirt the truth! Super cute graphic sweat shirt. Try as I may to find one that is perfectly me, I never seem to be able to.

  18. LOL, this is the perfect holiday t-shirt with a sprinkle of attitude! Love it and you wear it well. Xo Jonet

  19. That sweatshirt is PERFECTION!

  20. That is so cute! It looks comfy too.

  21. You look so cute!! I love love that sweatshirt!! It's too adorable!

  22. You look so darling in that sweatshirt!! I bet Santa would hire you in a second as his sidekick. Good bye elves, hello Andrea!! Enjoy your week!

  23. What a perfect sweatshirt. I've been saying whatever all the time lately, and my hubby is so sick of it!!

  24. So cute and cozy! I'm right there with you...I'm hanging onto a bit of Christmas spirit for dear life! My Martha ways will return with a bang in 2018. Hang in there, sister!

  25. Your sweatshirt is awesome and you are definitely rocking this look!

  26. Love that sweatshirt and your outfit! Also, girl, when you are EVER naughty?! You are a golden soul of a human being!! :-)

  27. The tee is so fun and I love what you said about "your Martha Stewart will come back in 2018" - this made my smile! You are such a doll!
    Happy Wednesday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  28. Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one not feeling the Christmas spirit this year! Hang in there, Beautiful! You're gonna ROCK 2018!! And I love the sweatshirt! Of course, mine would probably just say, "Whatevah!!"

  29. Naughty, nice you look stunning whatever Hun. x Jacqui

  30. Ahh the absolute perfect sweatshirt on you! So adorable!

  31. That sweatshirt is soooo cute! You look fabulous!

    Sorry the holidays are stressful for you this year because of all that's going on. But I know you are making the best of it!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  32. That sweatshirt is perfect for you but everyone who knows you also knows there should be a big X through the word naughty. They only naughty thing about you sweet friend is all the delicious desserts you share on here that in turn I want to make and eat! When's the official move date and how'd he walk through go??? Hang in there. You are about to unwrap the best gift ever!!! Happy Wednesday! XOXO

  33. You know I love me a good graphic tee! This one takes the cake! SOOOO cute, Andrea!

  34. Oh my gosh, I added this sweater to my cart this morning..haven't click buy yet...I love it so much though! Now I think I HAVE to buy it to twin with you.

  35. Believe me I know how stressful it is to have a new house and trying to sell your old one but it’ll all work out! That sweatshirt is so cute and perfect for your mood right now!

  36. That shirt is so cute!!! I can only imagine how stressful it is to be moving around the holidays, but I know you are going to have a wonderful Christmas regardless!!!

  37. I love this shirt on you and the saying is so cute! I love how you knotted it at the bottom for a fun comfy casual holiday look. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  38. That is the perfect sweatshirt and I think it would be perfect for anyone and everyone cause no one is perfect, especially around the Holidays. I loved doing the TBB Asks Holiday edition too (you can read it below) and I even gave you a nod. ;-)

  39. I saw that sweater and totally wanted it too. You look great!

  40. Love your casual looks and that sweater is calling my name! It looks so comfy. I just bought one from Target saying "I'll see you in a Prosecco" that I plan to wear to birthday brunch this weekend!

  41. That sweatshirt is hilarious!!
    & it looks so soft. One of those you can just live in for a few days & give no cares about doing just that.

  42. Moving is so stressful! So is selling a house, all of that together + Christmas! Girl that's enough to make anyone feel a little crazy! But your positive attitude is going to get you through! :-D

    pumps and push-ups

  43. Oh, I cannot even imagine you being naughty but if anything could make a nice person naughty, it would be moving during the holiday season. Bless your sweet heart, I think of you often thru out the day and wish I bring you over a big pot of homemade soup and cornbread and something sweet to eat. Hugs to you my dear!

  44. What a fun shirt! It looks so cozy!
    Hope your house sells soon! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  45. Fingers crossed your house sells soon! That is the one reason we have never moved (yet), all the stress of buying and selling and hoping timelines coordinate is too much for me! Good luck to you! Love that sweatshirt by the way! I feel like my daughter and I both need one! Haha!

  46. Sometimes it's ok to be a little bah humbug, Andrea! And you're so upbeat and positive the majority of the time so you go ahead!! Bug hugs my friend,
    Suzy xxx

  47. How have I not seen this sweatshirt before?! It's perfect for the season and so perfect for you! Wildfox really does make the coziest pieces...I need to grab this one before Christmas comes and goes! Have a very merry weekend, gorgeous! I hope you're taking the time to enjoy this wonderful season! XO


  48. I love this sweatshirt, and I think I need it!! Of course you styled it perfectly, gorgeous Andrea!

    xx, Elise

  49. You look so cute in that sweatshirt! Yikes, you do have a lot going on right now. Be sure to breathe...or repeat your mantra or whatever gets you through. Martha can wait until next year...ha! xoxo P.S. It is snowing a bit here...

  50. Such a cute top! I used to have something similar, and I would wear it to take my pictures with Santa, hehe.

  51. Omg this sweater is TOO cute + cheeky! I love it on you!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  52. I love that sweater!!! So cute and fun!!

  53. You are just ADORABLE in this!! Chocolate Charlie?? I have never heard of that... I need to google it! Sounds delicious! I hope you share photos of your home all decked out for Christmas next year! I am sure it has been a busy season for you with the new home, etc., but positivity is the key!!


  54. Love the shirt, so perfect for this time of year :)!

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog today, it was so kind. I couldn't respond though because it came in no reply blogger. Wishing you lots of cheer in the coming days and prayers! <3

  55. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party.

  56. This jumper is adorable, Andrea and you look gorgeous in it

  57. Great sweater! Have a great weekend!

  58. Lovely sweatshirt!

  59. You crack me up! Hang in their sister...all will be bright again soon!!

  60. This sweater looks so comfy! This outfit is everything

    Life is just Rosie

  61. I love that sweatshirt and the way you styled it! Christmas is my favorite time of the year too!

  62. You got me at the bare ankles. Love the total look as I'm snuggled in Uggs

  63. What a fun sweatshirt! Perfect for the holidays!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  64. This is so cute! I absolutely love fun holiday sweaters like this. It definitely puts me in the Christmas spirit! So cute!

    ~xo Sheree

  65. I love Wildfox items especially the sweatshirts! I love the way you styled your sweatshirt.

  66. I love this top! I know..naughty.. nice..sweet outfit! fun and festive. Best wishes on your house, you have a great attitude. Beautiful as always!
    jess xx


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