
20 August 2015


I know several of you are ready for Fall and it is most definitely on the radar. However, Summer is still in our backyard and my office can be hot, so I realized I have several short sleeve outfit pics. I usually try to take a picture of each work outfit but don't always use them all. However, I thought why not do a lil post on some of the short sleeve tops I haven't shared yet. Plus, for the first time in 6 months I have a "What to Post?" moment. As I post this, it is actually 56 degrees out with a high of 72! I cannot believe it, so I may wear long sleeves today. Ha! I know mother nature is just fooling me, high 80's next week.

Mint green Loft top, Gap skirt

My favorite Part from the 1st outfit: A bling-in' mint green owl!!
Gift from mom and I LOVE it!!

Kohl's top, Maurice's Pants

Macy's Style & Co. Top (3/4 sleeves), Charming Charlie Necklace

Kohl's A. Byer Top and Necklace

Kohl's Chaps top, Old Navy skirt, Target Sandals

T.J. Maxx top, Loft pants, Michael Kors flats, Target Necklace

Loft Cardigan, Express Barcelona Cami, Charming Charlie Necklace

 Kohl's Elle Top and Sonoma Necklace

"I've got sunshine, on a rainy day."
~The Temptations 


  1. So many cute tops! The first three are my favorites! That owl necklace is adorable!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Thank you sweet Jill! Too funny I was getting ready just now thinking "I need to go to Target and get Jill's Camo top!" That's how much I loved it!!! Have a great day!!

  2. One, I'm VERY jealous of your cooler temps! Two, I need to borrow some short sleeved tops from your closet! Love your office fashion!

    1. Hee hee! Thank you girl. I used to dress up waaay more but our entire system has scaled way back to more casual attire and I love it! Still looks professional yet Soooo much more comfy than pant suits and stuffy office attire! Have a terrific Thursday!!

  3. My office is literally a freezer - I have to dress for two seasons lol! I love the pink top you're wearing and your hair is so long and flowy! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Too funny B, because the pink was my favorite outta all of these! ;-) Hope your day is going terrific so you can get to Friday quicker! xo

  4. You are so right. I am beyond ready for fall, but we have to respect August! Such pretty colors in all these tops -- I love the kelly green!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

    1. So cute Rachel. I love how you put that!!! ;-) Have a super day!!

  5. I'm jealous of your 70 degree weather! We're having a cool down here too but it's only dropped into the low 90's. You know it's been a hot summer when 90's is considered cool. lol. All your tops are so cute! I especially love the last one!

    1. Wow girl, I'm doing a cool weather dance for you!!!! The pink one is my favorite of these too! Hope you have a beautiful and breezy day!! ;-)

  6. Loving all these outfits especially the mint green and owl necklace - my fav <3

    1. Nothing beats a cute little owl. Funny story: I had this on in an airport and 3 TSA Agents said it was cute and one was a man. Lol

  7. AMEN!!! Everyone's gettin on the fall bandwagon and while I LOVE fall I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer!!! (even though it was 52 here yesterday I was sportin a sleeveless shirt...BRRRR)

  8. I am loving all your cute tops!!! And the fact that those are all the stores that I shop in too :) I have an owl necklace that is very similar but just silver with black color. I like that yours adds a pop of color!

    1. Love me some blingin Owls. ;-) thank you, I do not shop at high end hard to find shops, so many goodies at Kohl's, Target, Macy's, TJ Maxx anyway and won't break the bank! Well at least try not too. lol

  9. I love these posts of yours, such good inspiration for what to wear to work as I'm ALWAYS stuck on what to wear hahah! Love all your outfits, you have such a great sense of style my gorgeous friend. Hope you've had a wonderful week so far! XO -Kim

    1. Ahh thank you my beauty!!! So happy tomorrow's Friday and even happier you stopped by precious friend!

  10. My office is always an icebox so I feel like I look like I'm ready for winter every time I step outside! I loveee your owl necklace, so cute!


    1. Oh poor girl! I'm picturing you all bundled up and teeth chattering. Thank you, love cute owls!

  11. So many cute tops! Love the pink ombre :)

  12. So many cute tops! I am envious of your cooler weather. Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week.



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