
22 March 2019


It’s Spring, It’s Spring, we’re gonna get some sunshine this weekend, yay and it will feel so good even if the high is 50 degrees and it’s back to winter next week but I will take what I can get!!! I hope your weekend is fabulous and kickin’ off the Spring season right! 

1. Our Sweet Niece Goes Green
Spring Break for our kids meant tropical destinations and boy did they have a ball but for our sweet niece, Myka, it was giving back and it meant caring about our environment and we are so proud of her. It was called an alternative spring break where she and some other college students headed down to Austin, Texas to learn what it means to be food secure and how local farms grow sustainable foods. They helped the farm prepare for the spring season by planting vegetables and helped harvest their produce that was to be taken out into the local community. And they too had a ball!!

2. Mammo
In keeping my health on track this Spring, I had my mammogram this week and next week is my yearly! So important girls! And the results were fine, whew!

My favorite Mammographer in the whole world....Dawn..the BEST. 
What will I do when she retires in a few years?

3. Week's Attire
I tried to be as Spring Cheery as Possible!
Top HERE // Shoes HERE // Necklace HERE // Sunnies HERE

 Coral Sweater HERE // Sandals HERE // Earrings HERE // Jeans HERE

Top HERE// Earrings // Jeans HERE

4. Red Mini
We got a hint of spring with some sunshine and warmer weather this week but unfortunately after this weekend it’s back to winter again but I was not afraid to show a little leg but this cute red mini skirt ensemble.

Mini HERE // Jacket HERE //Shoes HERE // Headband HERE // Earrings HERE

More Inspo

5.  MISC.
Posts of the week:  
In case you missed these posts:
Monday~ The Master Bedroom
Wednesday~ Lady Luck..Green Dress

Chrissy & Her Sweet Heart 
Speaking of Austin earlier in this post, I am excited to most likely see this girl down there in several months. My sweet friend Chrissy of Granola and Grace has the most precious and carefree heart you can imagine. She sent me the sweetest card and most darling pair of socks that completely lifted my day! If you don’t already know and love Chrissy, make sure you head over to her Blog and Instagram!! 
PS..Don't we look Springy in our Florals?

Website Feature
And it was my dear Chrissy who informed me that I am featured on the Meadowlark Website regarding the leggings I styled a couple weeks ago. They truly are the BEST leggings ever!!
Meadowlark Leggings HERE

Statement Earrings
Spring means color and lots of statement earrings! I have been buying up the statement earrings like crazy! I want some in every color, lol! I showed you These  and These from Target’s Sugar Fix Line, but I also really want these Blush Ones from Bauble Bar!

May your weekend be lovely..just like you!!

 Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // High 5 For Friday  // Fashion Friday


  1. How cool that your niece was in Austin learning about food security - I feel like that should be a requirement for us all but especially our college kids. I feel like a service project type trip is such a valuable experience! So glad you had that mammo and all is well my friend! You are the cutest leggings model ever - no wonder Meadowlark featured you! They really are the BEST leggings! You are the best sweet friend!

  2. Your neice beat us to Texas! So cute and so precious! Good for her and I hope she learned alot and had an awesome time! Love the red mini skirt, Andrea! I've seen the blue jean ones and new they were pretty popular, but I haven't seen or thought about a red one! So cute on you!! Yay!! Your BIRTHDAY WEEK begins next week!! EEK!! I just love our Chrissy!

  3. What a cool spring break alternative for your niece! Congrats on your Meadowlark feature! I still need to check out their leggings! You look adorable in your red mini! Have a great weekend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. Congrats on being featured on Meadowlark!! You are so positive and uplifting--you even make it look fun to have a mammogram:)

  5. I love everything about this post! That red skirt outfit is amazing and how fun to get featured for loving your leggings <3

  6. I love the idea of an alternative spring break! Glad your results were ok. You look so cute in that red mini. And both of you ladies look great in Florals! I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy that sunshine! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  7. Your niece just a op, skip and a jump away from us :D If you are ever in Austin let me know! I want to plan a meetup!

    I cannot wait to get my green dress. I love that stripped top on you as well!

    Joy and blessings to you xoxoxo

  8. Look at you...all famous and stuff! Congrats on the feature! Well deserved! How cool about your sweet niece. Austin is such a fun place to visit too. I got my mammo this week as well! Not fair about winter coming back but you looked so cute in the red mini!! What a nice card and those socks!! Sweetness. Happy Fri-yay my friend!

  9. Congrats on the feature, that is so exciting!! Loving all of your Spring outfits, all so cute!

  10. Love that last quote!! And how adorable is your niece, love what she's doing! You are rocking the spring cheery looks as always girl! Have a great weekend :-)
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  11. How fabulous for the feature, Andrea!! That's so exciting!!
    And I love the socks Chrissy sent you....isn't she a doll??
    As for statement earrings, they are my weakness. Well, really shoes are my weakness but the earrings are less expensive so I can get more!!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  12. How incredibly awesome of your niece, that's really great and so interesting! I am literally OBSESSED with your red mini outfit...the absolute most beautiful! Hope you have a great weekend, xoxo!

  13. I'm 40 and need to get my first mammogram. On the to do list! Agh. Love the pop of red in that outfit! Have a happy weekend!

  14. Hey beautiful! You are rocking that mini skirt. Love it, and there's so much goodness here...from your precious niece, your adorable decor and beautiful spring looks I just love it all! And thank you for the sweet shout out. i had to laugh at my crazed looking smile. hehe.

  15. All of your Spring looks are definitely fun and cheery. You look killer in that red mini! What a fab outfit! Have a great weekend my friend!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  16. I always get major anxiety when it comes to having my mam done. Afterwards I am so relieved I usually take myself shopping. Love your mini skirt!! Have a great weekend, Andrea.

  17. Happy Friday! Your niece is adorable, and I absolutely love how she spent her spring break. So neat!

  18. So proud of you to be featured over at Meadowlark. Have their store open in a tab beside this one so I can check out their leggings. So glad higher waist leggings and workout pants are more popular now.

    Thank you for the mammo reminder. I accidentally - brain fog - forgot to schedule a mammogram for about 3 years. My darling favorite PA was looking over my records and discovered the lapse and got me an appointment pronto. So important.

  19. As always you packed so much fun and goodness into your Friday Favs. sweet friend. I was so pumped when Chrissy showed us you on the leggings site. So super cool. Good for you getting that mamo. I'm also intrigued by seeing all the different covers different places have. We have robes here and I love that. Have the best weekend!!!!XOXO

  20. Good girl getting your mammogram! It is SO SO important! And I love those pink statement earrings. I'm heading over to add them to my wish list now. Happy weekend, Andrea!

  21. I just had my mammo too! Just loving your Friday favorites. How wonderful of your niece took an alternative spring break, so cool! How absolutely adorable are you in your red mini? So gorgeous!!

    xx, Elise

  22. Way to go on being featured. Loving that green dress and the red mini on you. You look great and it is a great way to usher Spring in. Have a great weekend!

  23. That is so neat you were featured on Meadowlark! I love those fun statement earrings and am looking for a fun color to get and add to my ever-growing collection!

  24. I love your outfit with the red mini! So cute! Congrats on the feature!!

  25. I just love Chrissy so much - determined to meet so many bloggers in real life one day - all the sweetness just shines through you & her & all that Nashville gang :)
    OK - your niece is on my favorite person list. Good for her giving back & working in such a good cause!

  26. Anonymous22.3.19

    Love that red miniskirt so much! So awesome of your niece! Great post. Hope your weekend is great. :)

  27. We're struggling with spring weather too but I'll take those warm sunny days any time they want to show up!

  28. That is so cool that you always have the same mammo tech. It must make it a little more fun to see a familiar face. What a worthwhile spring break for your niece. Congrats on the feature and happy weekend!

  29. Congrats on the feature, that is super awesome! I am due for a mammo this year and glad I got it scheduled. Hope your weather and mood stay springy!

  30. That red Mini is so dang cute! yay for the feature! You always have the best clothes! Have a great weekend!

  31. So many cute looks from the week, as always Andrea! I am dying for those cupcakes too! Happy weekend and I hope your spring weather is nice!

  32. Eek. Love all the spring looks. I’m so happy it’s finally spring.

  33. Well done for sharing you mammogram - it needs to be done! Thanks too for sharing your wonderful outfit ideas. Have a super week. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  34. That red mini is so cute!

  35. How cool you look in this mini red skirt, love that you added pearls, Andrea

  36. wootwoo- looking sweet in your mini- I love it with the jean jacket and converse. So great of your neice and what she is learning and experiencing, a worthwhile trip. I am ready for Spring too, it will be in the 70s this weekend, then a bit colder. so Ill take advantage! Love the coral sweater on you too, pretty lady!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx


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